10 Replies to “Perfect Human- Chyenne”

  1. The rules were followed effectively. My favorite part of the video was the voice recording. I like that she changed the pitch to not tell who it was. I wouldn’t reshoot anything and thought the video was a good length.

  2. Whose Film: Cheyenne
    Were the rules for the obstruction followed effectively?
    – Freedom
    What was your favorite part of the video?
    -I liked the rawness of it
    What would you re: edit, shoot, etc.?
    – I would shoot more
    Was the video paced well? Did any parts feel too long or too short?
    – I enjoyed the realness and it was paced well.

  3. The rules were used effectively throughout the video. My favorite part was when someone was digging while the other was doing their makeup. This plays well with what the producer wanted. I wish some background music were very slight and soft. The video was well-paced throughout.

  4. The rules were followed correctly. My favorite part was your mom smiling at the end. I wouldn’t redo anything because it is different than everyone else and that made it unique. The video was paced well and you did a great job!

  5. Whose film Cheyenne
    Were the rules for the obstruction followed effectively?

    What was your favorite part of the video?
    You’re concept and depiction of “The Perfect Human” is intriguing but not sure it came across as that

    What would you re: edit, shoot, etc?
    You may not have known from not being here the day we picked rules, but I feel like there definitely needs to be dialogue/voiceover

    Was the video paced well? Did any parts feel too long or too short?
    I don’t think the pacing was all that good? Might be because of no dialogue

  6. Were the rules for the obstruction followed effectively?:
    – No rules
    What was your favorite part of the video?
    – Not being shown in the mirror was smart
    What would you re: edit, shoot, etc.?
    – I wish there was music or dialogue
    Was the video paced well? Did any parts feel too long or too short?
    – Yes, it was paced well

  7. No obstructions is hard – it was an interesting approach. A little more would have been nice. Some dialogue, other people doing other things. Your idea for the film didn’t come off quite that well but it had promise given more time.

  8. I liked that you took a different approach. I would have liked some dialogue–not necessarily the same dialogue from the OG video– but something.

    Nice variety.

  9. -No rules were made to be followed, complete freedom
    -I like watching the things that the family does, it feels like an average day, showing us how the family lives their lives.
    -If I could add anything, it would be more shots. There were only a couple of the same shots throughout the film, so it would be nice to see that diversity.
    -I think that the video was paced normally

  10. Were the rules of the obstruction followed effectively?

    – There were no rules. The creative freedom worked really well, this one was really unique!

    What was your favorite part of the video?

    – When it cut between the man digging and the woman putting her makeup on

    What would you reshoot, reedit, etc.?
    – Nothing

    Was the video well paced? Did any parts feel too long or short?
    – I think it was well paced! I wish we got to see the man a little more, but otherwise well balanced!

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