Objectified Response

            After watching, “Objectified,” I thought it was enlightening in some aspects and in others I agreed with the designer’s opinions. It was interesting to see how each designer has a somewhat different take on the design and interaction. The film focused a lot on the specific objects that could be everyday items that make a huge impact on everyone. I particularly liked the concept that everything in everyone’s daily life is designed and that our jobs as designers is to make people forget that it was designed. All the effort put in it is paid off because of that. I feel that the goal is to problem solve. To think about people’s lives and make one aspect in their lives that suck and improve it.

            I didn’t quite agree with the one guy taking about how our phones should be made of cardboard, because I know as a consumer, I would not want to go out and buy a 300 plus dollar phone every other year because it degrades itself. Although, I do agree that when designing it is extremely important to design to protect the environment. I think overall, this film kind of validated my own opinions of design in a way. I am also of the opinion that everything around us is design. I did like when they said that consumers project themselves into the situation or using the product. It was something that I didn’t really think about in that way which was interesting.

            I think I see design as a way to interact and deliver some sort of message. Whether that be a poster, an ad, the design of a toothbrush, or the way your coffee cup lid screws on your coffee cup. Everything is designed. It is the degree in which the design is functional as a product or communicates a message that determines if it is successful. There are so many elements to design other than functionality as well. A chair could function as a chair, but it may not have support or comfort that the consumers want and sales decrease because of it. However, when something is poorly designed it allows an opportunity for a better product to be designed. With problems comes solutions or at the very least improvements and I think that is what I like about design.