“Objectified” Response

I believe that the designers being interviewed in Objectified all made great points about design, and they each had their own way that they viewed it. Some of those points were how people make quick assumptions about a product without even thinking about it and how you should create an environment for the user to feel good in and experience. One quote that really stuck with me from the film was, “Every object tells a story if you know how to read it,” by Henry Ford. I think this gives a deeper meaning to what you’re designing and how to view a designer’s role. They talked about designers making disposable things but also making a lasting design. This is something that peaked my interest; by having your design stand the test of time and not end up in a landfill would be my design goal. Good design should understand people and their needs, and sometimes that involves making objects for people in extreme cases, “The middle will take care of itself,” said Dan Formosa. Good design should be innovative, aesthetic, honest, unobtrusive, long-lived, consistent in every detail, environmentally friendly, good design is as little design as possible. Mr. Dieter Rams explains all these aspects of good design and gives a great example show casing them, Apple. Apple completes those goals and takes on mass production while taking their design seriously and producing innovative products. Jonathan Ive, from Apple, also mentioned that the character you give your design shows who could have designed it. As designers you’re constantly designing and questioning other designs and what you could do to improve them. They also explain how the product shouldn’t have useless functions and if it does, remove them. This takes on having one thing doing the job of several, making it practical. I also agreed on how they defined modern design on being formal, symbolic, but also contextual. Good design is also a search for form, and designing for human behavior. They also mention ergonomics, which I believe really brings out good design by making things for people that can be easily used and perform safely. Good design is something that you want and distinguishes you. This film has changed my perspective on design in many ways including making design lasting, symbolic, and recyclable. I would define design as a way to give something character, functionality, unity, and purpose in our everyday life.