Mediterranean Fusion Restaurant

The local restaurant that I believe would be in competition with my group’s theoretical restaurant is Shouf’s cafe ( ). This restaurant is a mediterranean – American fusion restaurant similar to our created restaurant. The layout created between our two restaurants’ websites are not similar. Shouf’s is much less modern and much less organized than my group’s website is turning out. The color schemes are also different. Shouf’s utilize black and olive green primarily whereas our restaurants website utilizes the color red, primarily. Shouf’s website is also very unorganized and hard to follow. Things just seem like they’re in the wrong place. Our website is trying to create an easy to navigate layout in order to help aesthetics as well as usage, obviously.

Because Shouf’s restaurant is unorganized, the way they take the user through the content on the website is unusual. The flow is horrible as, for example, on their homepage, they feature links to articles rather than a short biography about the restaurant or the menu. I believe our final website will be much more accessible and user friendly than Shouf’s. Hopefully it appears this way to the potential user as we are working hard to create an easy to navigate website with reasonable pages being featured.