Knick Knack Attack
Take any knick knack from your house that is destined to sell for 50 cents at your estate sale, and take it with you to someone else’s house. The goal is to discreetly exchange your knick knack for one you like better. The only rule is the Vampire Rule. You can’t exchange your knick knack for a new one unless you were INVITED into the house with the new knick knack. No breaking and entering. You can play knick knack attack literally any time you want for your whole life.
Westminster Way
To play you must hold open the door for at least one person per day. If you don’t manage to hold a door open for at least one individual in a given day, you’ve lost the game.
Egg Slap
A game we frequent at Starbucks. If you are working the oven and receive an order for a breakfast sandwich with no egg you must remove it, and slap another employee of your choice with the egg. It’s a gamble because it’s rare to get that order. It’s infinite so long as I’m slaving at Starbucks and passing on the tradition.
Never ending story
A game in which a group of friends create a basis for a story and send it to each other to constantly add new chapters and adventures. Like a never ending comic strip that friends continuously create together maybe via google docs.
Give Graciously
A game in which you always keep a bag of necessities in your car for homeless people, which you continuously give and refill until there are no more homeless people. The more bags you give out the more points you get.