Gas App Narrative: Why Me?!

Have you ever had a morning where everything seems to be going wrong? By “wrong” I mean “why is my life like this?” kind of wrong. Wake up late. No hot water. Forgot to put away the laundry, which means your clothes are all wrinkled and there’s no time to iron them. Gotta forget about doing your hair or trying to look presentable, because that train left an hour ago when you were still sleeping (a better time). Don’t even think about grabbing coffee. Your manager is already judging you enough for how you look. Maybe just grab the basic coffee from the nice lady at the front desk- I think her name is Jan? Janine? Jenna? Great woman.


So, you make it out the front door and get in the car. You have an “oh my god why me?!” moment when you remember that you were running low on gas yesterday. But then you remember- you had an app take care of that. On your way out of the office yesterday your phone went off letting you know that your gas tank was running low. So you login on the app with your thumbprint and see that you have 8 miles until empty and then check the prices at the closest gas stations. When you find the one with the best deal that will offer you the most reward points, you make your way to the station. As you pull in you scan the pump and pay from the app (a nice feature for someone who doesn’t want to deal with the general public after a long day of acting like you care at work). Once the tank is filled, you get another notification on your app saying that you received enough points for a free cup of coffee.


Back to reality and you realize that maybe Jan can keep her coffee today. The tank is filled and you have just enough time to grab that free coffee and make it to work on time. Sure, your manager is still looking at your sideways for the wrinkled clothes, but you’re alert and on time and the day can only get better from here.