Garden Sabtoge Review (Amber)

What was the most fruatrating moment or aspect of what you just played? The most frustring part was when we knew we were doing something wrong at first but we couldn’t figure out how exactly the game was to be played

What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played? I loved the ending and how the person who completes 5 objectives doesn’t necessarily win. You have to count each of your points on your onjective card at the of the game, person with the most points wins.

Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t? I dont belive so.

If you has a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be? I would love the Pestide to be something physical or like a card that you have to get, cause right now it’s too easy to remove the bad bugs.

What should be improved with the next version? There should be some form of reminder card as to what your three actions can be per turn.

Descibe the game in 3 words? Fun, adorable, creative

6 Replies to “Garden Sabtoge Review (Amber)”

  1. Thanks for the feedback! I’m definitely going to incorporate reminder and pesticide cards into the next version! I worry that even with the cards it will be too easy to remove the bad bugs, but I also don’t want to make it too difficult to remove them or people won’t complete any objectives. I think it will just need another playtest to figure that out though! I’m glad that you overall seemed to enjoy the game!!

  2. I’m willing to see how tricky this game is…I feel like it could get to a point where there are too many bugs. I’d like the challenge.

    1. For sure, even how easy it was for us to remove the bugs. We still began. to team up on that one person who was wining.

      1. I’m considering having a method to prevent the same person from getting attacked turn after turn to combat this

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