- What is the goal of this task?
- Frank did not really ask this question specifically, but we kind of implied the goal of crocheting is to create something
- What conditions or context must be present to start the task?
- Frank did not ask this question or anything similar
- What is the reason for this task?
- Frank did not ask this question. There can be many reasons to crochet (relaxation, make money, etc) but the goal is always to make something
- What process is at work, what conditions are being classified or changed?
- Frank did not ask this question
- What actions and decisions must be implemented to complete the task?
- Frank did not directly ask this question, but I did explain that you had to pick your stitch/pattern before you started making something to know what you are making
- What concepts, processes, or principle knowledge is required to adjust this task to fit novel elements?
- Frank did not directly ask this question, but I did explain the basic five or so stitches and their variations that form the base of all patterns
- What equipment and materials are required?
- This was the first question Frank asked! He explicitly asked about picking out yarn and having your tools (though he did not specifically ask what tools I use)
- What performance standards must be achieved (time, accuracy, etc.)?
- Frank did not ask this question or anything like it at all