Final Review #4

The website i choose to review that i feel would be competition for my groups fusion restaurant website is P. F. Changs. i feel that this would be a good compareison are website as it combines chinese food with different cultures of food just as are website combines ice cream and potatoes. The layout of the website is fairly simple everything on the page is very easy to get as far as the menu tabs and others on the top off the page. The navigation i feel could be a little better because if you would click the menu page it brings you to different menus instead of the menu itself, as it is with all the other tabs as well. I also feel that the layout as far as the color palette goes it is very bland and could use more then just the two colors it has which makes the website unappealing to the user i feel. I feel a more brighter color palette would have been a better choice to give it more life. i feel the texture of the website works very good with the website the text and the way things are arranged works very well i think. over i would change the color and the navigation for the different tabs but everything else works very well.