Elements of the user experience

What are the goals of Apple’s website? How does Apple’s website address the needs of a user who has just purchased their first MacBook? (pp. 41-56)

The goals of Apple’s website would be to provide their products but also to make money. Apple has many support systems on there site. They have troubleshooting, helpline number and store locations to help any of the issues that may occur.

What are the functional specifications of Facebook’s wall? If you are not on Facebook what are the specs for the signup page? (pp. 72-75)

For the sign up page you must enter either your email or phone number for conformation and security purposes. Also you must enter your age, however there isn’t anything checking and confirming your actual age.

What are four architectural approaches to information structure? Find one example of each. (pp. 94-106)

Hierarchy, organic, matrix and sequential. RMU.edu, Wikipedia.com, BestBuy.com, and check out section of Amazon.com. (in order)

What percentage of The Huffington Post index page is navigation, and what percentage is content? What about Google, Wikipedia, and Etsy? (pp. 116-134)

The majority of the Huffington Post is navigation. This helps you to find what you are looking for and articles that are similar. A small percent of the site is actual content. Google would have the most navigation because when you do get to the content it is no longer the Google site. Wikipedia is almost all content because it is organic and there isn’t really any navigation to certain pages but they use hyperlinks for navigation. Etsy is mainly navigation, using the matrix format you have to click through things to get to the content that you want.

How does http://www.landor.com guide the readers’ eyes and focus their attention on what is important? (pp. 144-155 )

Landor uses jQuery and flash to keep what is important in front of you. You must scroll to see new content and it uses visuals that will appear and disappear depending on the part you scroll to.