Ethnographic tools such as observation, interviews and surveys can help improve interactivity of an online banking website by providing naturalistic insights into the mind of a consumer. The point of ethnography is to understand why people do things. Observation will show what pages the user wants and needs to get to, what they might struggle with, and other applicable data. An interview can probe what was found in the observation section. A survey can be sent to multiple users to see if there are any issues within the site that need fixed.

Design is finished when the dialogue is clear and concise, between art and the consumers’ ability to read the design. The artist must consider the artwork complete, but so must the user, upon their consumption of the media. The success of design stems from the rationale of design. Why should we, designers create anything in the first place? For contextual reasons and to convey meaning. If there is no context, design will not exist. If the meaning is not clear, design is not successful. Purpose stems from relativistic meaning, as declared by the artist, client or consumer.

I use Apple’s products on a daily basis, namely my iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro. Their branding, or dissemination of business goals and values through their products, has unified my use cases. Their vision of clean and easy to use products and interfaces can be found in every use case I have come across. I am looking for products that I can use to get things done without the hassle of external customization. My experience has been great with these products so far, due to the way they brand themselves and the company.