Designing new media Week 1 questions

  • What are the goals of Apple’s website? How does Apple’s website address the needs of a user who has just purchased their first MacBook? (Chapter 3)
    • The goals of apples website is to not only describe and list their products, but also sell them as well. They describe the physical components of their products and the multitude of ways it is used. In terms of the need of someone who has purchased their first macbook, its a little lackluster. They don’t provide any info on the setup and details of the macbook, rather they just promote accessories for the macbook.
  • What are the functional specifications of your preferred social media’s home page? If you are not on social media what are the specs for google? (Chapter 4: Functional Specifications, Content Requirements an Prioritizing Requirements)
    • The functional specifications is essentially what the system actually does. For example instagrams functional specifications would be the buttons at the bottom that take you to different aspects of the app( like the search, profile, and liked function) In addition, the home page has posts made by other people and at the top are stories posted by others.
  • What are four architectural approaches to information design and organization? Find one example of each. (Chapter 5: Information Architecture)
    • four approaches are the Hierarchical structure, the matrix structure, organic structure, and sequential structure. Hierarchical structures are the most common and can be seen used in many design projects. The matrix structure is useful for customization of shopping such as choosing the color or size of items for online shopping. The organic structure is free flowing and is best used for idea generation and connection meaning that it is best used in the early stages of idea generation and purpose. Sequential structures are the most basic and are seen everywhere in books, articles, and video.
  • What percentage of The Huffington Post index page is navigation, and what percentage is content? What about Google, Wikipedia, and Etsy? (Chapter 6)
    • The huffington post is 90% content, and 10% navigation. This is done on purpose by categorizing things effectively reducing the need to navigate as much.
  • How does guide the readers’ eyes and focus their attention on what is important? (Chapter 7: Follow the eye )
    • They do this by limiting the amount of knowledge given at any point. In specific you only view an image with a small amount of text accompanying it. By doing this, you reduce the amount of things that could distract the eye resulting and ultimately focusing the audience’s attention