Colton Taylor Review 2


            I found “Compass” while browsing many sites featured on Compass is a service that helps users improve their own webpages. When a user submits their webpage to Compass, they will then receive a short and concise video from one of the staff members. This video will attempt to tell the user what they believe works well, or does not work so well with their current website. I think this formula is very user-friendly. The one-page layout allows the viewer to easily comprehend what this webpage’s purpose is and also how to use it. The webpage uses black and yellow text as well as graphics that do not seem distracting or hard to read. The webpage has the viewer scroll down to learn more about Compass’s features and background information. When viewers first visit the site they are greeted with a short video of the founder “Stephen” explaining what exactly the webpage’s purpose is. The longer you scroll down the more information you will find. This includes how the reviews work, why they are helpful, and eventually pricing and purchasing options.

            I think this webpage is designed very well. I have never heard of paying a company to review your product only so you can improve. Within seconds I was able to understand what this webpage was for and how to operate it. It conveniently places all the answers to commonly asked questions at the top of the webpage and places the more intricate information towards the bottom. It uses a series of simple to comprehend notes that contain small graphics. This site is a great example of how a one-page site can serve as a clear and concise method of delivering information.