Chapters 3,4,5

Ethnographic tools can help with relating to users and give a qualitative description of human social condition. In terms of improving the interactivity of an online banking website, ethnographic tools can help to identify different possibilities and instances that a user and the online banking website will share. By predicting these instances, it is easier to prevent issues so that the experience over all is that much more beneficial. While ethnography isn’t so helpful for retail and to try and understand buying habits, it can be helpful for a bank who’s main purpose is to make money transfers, deposits, etc, easy and hassle free to keep the clientele.

Personally I feel that a design is never really finished. There are always improvements and advancements that could potentially be made. However these potential improvements only come with the passing of time and with new discoveries. So although it can technically be limitless you can see that your design is “finished” when it is in its most simple form and can fulfill its function.You can tell when it is a success only through testing it. You must have actual people and users attempt to use and understand your product/design. If they can figure it out with ease and will continue to look at it rather than throw it aside, then it can be measured as a success. It is important to test for comprehensibility to tell if the user fully gets the design. A designs purpose is to solve a problem, whether it be usability, aesthetic, but mainly it revolves around function.
A product family that I use regularly would be Bath and Body Works Shea Butter. Over all it’s branding is a pretty strong name, especially in my age group. While I love the product anyway and have loyalty to it because of it’s quality and amazing scents, it is also a common ground among a majority of girls in high school and college about who owns which kinds. Because it is popular among my demographic it has that much higher of an image and is displayed as that much better verses generic scented lotion.