Chapters 3, 4 and 5

  • What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website? (pp. 48-54) Ethnographic tools can help to identify user needs to may have not been yet made. Testing for marketing demands so they can make products are not on market yet. Also they can search for opportunities to expand through differences that between them and there competitors.
  • At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose? (pp. 54-62) A design is finished when it has met all of the goals and astheicly can not be improved. It is then a success once it has met the goals for the user and the user doesn’t even think about the design because it make sense that it is that way and no other way. The purpose of design is to make something pleasing to the eye and as simple as possible for the user.
  • Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product? (pp. 78-84) A product that I use every day is my truck. The branding of the vehicle has not had as much of a effect as the quality of the vehicle. However, because of the quality my relationship, experience and loyalty has been excellent.