Chapter 6 Response

I agree a lot with Jon Kolko’s ideas during this chapter.  One idea is that Interaction Design is the “design of behavior, can contribute to, shift and shape, and even help to control the normative frames that describe cultural change.”  I believe that, as designers, we need to continue to develop and modify culture around us, and hopefully for the better.  Usability definitely plays a role in shaping culture.  When designers create successful new technology, society believes that everything should operate in the same fashion.  For example, take the story about Professor Ames’ daughter thinking that a magazine should operate like a tablet/phone.  She is perfect example as to what society has evolved into, and that it takes time for users to adapt to different operations.  Another idea that Kolko brings up is invisible manifestation.  As this is intriguing, and may help recent graduated students entering the job market by not having a potential job ruined by parting pictures/videos, it can definitely be dangerous.  This anonymity can foster hate, violence, and other societal taboos.  But, on the plus side, it may give people the freedom to be themselves.  Technology advances rapidly, and the delay between when it is finished and the availability in the marketplace can be a hinderance.  One issue I find with society, due to technology advancements, is that there is a lack of communication.  I would rather talk to someone on the phone or in face, but there are many people who can text someone all day, but put in a social environment cannot talk to others.  Technology has made it a lot easier for physical communication to phase out.  I really liked the point in the Discursive Design about designing a product it’s goal is for organic communication.  As my opinions of technology is that it is helpful and useful, I hate it as much as I love it.  One idea that I did not normally think about is that technology can be empowering, which Kolko even stated that it is not a common view.  I admire Kolko for stating that Interactive Designers need to “advocate for humanity at all levels.”  As I am happy blaming technology for societal problems of lack of communication, it is not entirely technology’s fault.  Society let it happen, because it is easier.  As much as designers need to try and incorporate social interactions in designs, society needs to be open to communicating with personal interactions again.