Chapter 6 Response

Interaction designers have contributed the the shift in cultural norms. The first norm that changed was the thought that technology was fragile. Through developments with technology and interaction design, everyday users have the ability to be a bit more lax with their skills and still end up getting done what they need to with minimal error. The second norm was that only engineers could use computers and softwares alike. Computers and technology have become apart of mundane life. Anyone can have access to a computer or a smart device with infinite possibilities and activities.


A designer must make decisions about the technology they are working on so that it makes things feel like common sense to the user. This was something that really stuck out to me from this chapter. At first mention of this, I thought that it was obvious: it’s common sense but it can’t be that hard. However, common sense is not all that common, especially when there are so many options and pathways to take in technology and design. The book mentions a designers thinking of adding a “Mention This Person in a Tweet” button when a user would click on someone in their contact list. To me, that sounds ridiculous. Why would I go to my Phone’s contacts to tweet someone? Yet, from a designer’s perspective, this is a possibility so why not explore it?


Another thing that this chapter points out is how design could negatively affect society/behavior. They ask, “Consider a day without digital technology. Can you make it through one day–still completing your major goals for the day–without utilizing digital technology?” (p. 93). This really struck me because I think (I know) my answer would be a strong and resounding “NO”. Everything I do revolves around technology. If I don’t have wifi, I can forget about any assignments for my classes or talking to any of my friends or family. Stay updated with the news? Nope, no chance. It’s kind of terrifying, but when the technology is there and working properly, it’s amazing and makes my day run so smoothly.


This chapter was interesting because it really made me think about the possible positive and negative effects of design and technology. The ways that technology have already changed the way that people learn and think and interact with other people and things around the is incredible. The way that my grandmother learned is completely different from how I learn now. Technology does not scare the newer generations. It will be interesting to see how technology and design will continue to change and shape society and our norms.