Campus Game Ideas

Kick High and Catch

Kick High and Catch is a team based game where teams compete to score goals against their opponents. The team with the highest goal count at the end of the game wins.


Teams consist of 1-15 players (meaning 2-30 players), with a maximum of two teams per game. Teams will place medium soccer nets across from each other, 30 yards apart. One team will be on a hill, and one team will be in the valley. A parallel line will separate each team in the middle of the field (15 yards on either side). For every 2 players there must be at least one ball in play (for example if you have two teams of 4 you must have 4 balls in play). The game ball is one of those horrible rubber dodgeballs.


Teams will flip a coin to determine who begins on the hill, and who begins in the valley. The team with the oldest player starts with the ball on their side (old people need the advantage). The game is played for a continuous 30 minutes. Your team must attempt to kick the ball in the other team’s net and score goals. You can only SCORE goals by kicking, and SAVE goals by any means necessary (no felonies, but pushing teammates or sacrificing them is encouraged). The game is meant to be fast paced and a little wild. There is no “out of bounds” but teams must not cross the center line dividing the playing field. Anyone can score a goal, and anyone can save a goal. Just score the most goals in 30 minutes to win.

No positions

No leaders

No captains

ONLY Anarchy

Pokemon Championship

The Pokemon Campus Championship will mimic the Sword and Shield championship using the Pokemon TCG by traveling on an adventure around campus.


8 pokemon gyms will be designated in different portions/buildings of campus. Players will register and pick there “jersey” number for the competition. Volunteers will act as NPCs to be stationed around and inbetween different gyms. Players will face off against NPCs and Gym Leaders using Pokemon TCG decks and rules to face off. The first player to collect all 8 gym badges wins the game.


Everyone registers and picks a jersey number. Everyone receives a map of their pokemon region. Everyone races around trying to complete all the gym challenges and collect their badges to win the game. Try not to get held up by NPCs as it will slow you down in winning the competition.

Basic B*tch Bingo – To Have Fun While You Study

A group of gameplayers sits in different parts of the library with bingo cards. The first player to get a bingo wins.


Basic b*tch bingo is created specifically with college kids in mind. Some blocks of the Basic B*tch Bingo will be dry erase for players to add their own special twist to the game. Examples of spaces on the Basic B*tch Bingo card are “Spot Someone Wearing School Swag”, “Spot Someone Drinking Starbucks”, “Spot at least 3 individuals wearing airpods”, “Spot at least 3 BANG Energy Drinks”, etc. The Dry Erase spots enable you to make it school specific.


When you get a Bingo (because this is silent bingo you are in a library) you have to race to the gamemaker’s location and present your bingo card. You don’t know if you have won or lost until you get a bingo and go to the location.

Get Your RMU Passport

Players will pair off in teams of 3-4 and receive an RMU passport that requires stamps. To get each stamp you must complete the challenge associated with the stamp.


Each RMU department has a required stamp, and Professors of those departments have created the challenges/obstacles the teams must face in order to get their stamp (Very Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone). For example you could have to win a game against Professor Ames and Professor Jones in order to receive that stamp.


Each team will go around to collect stamps and complete fun puzzles and challenges. The first team to get back to the “airport” with their completed passports is the winner.


Teams will use the given “bricks” (cardboard blocks) to create and build their Fortress. The last Fortress standing, or the Fortress with the most captured flags is deemed the winner.


Each Fortress set comes with enough blocks to create a small cardboard fortress, and “rocks” (essentially those indoor snowballs you can buy but grey). Teams can consist of 2-6 players, but only two players can be inside/ protecting the fortress at one time. Teams fortress location must be known to all other teams. Teams will pick something to be their team flag and place it inside their Fortress after it is built.


Teams must work to destroy other fortresses sending teammates and using “rocks”, and creating alliances (depending on the amount of fortresses). Fortress flags can only be taken after more than half the blocks have been knocked down. When your fortress is destroyed you may choose to stop playing, or join other fortresses to try and get revenge. The last fortress standing (or in a stalemate the Fortress with more flags) is the winner.

2 Replies to “Campus Game Ideas”

  1. I’d be interested in seeing the RMU passport fleshed out… what other tasks would players need to do, how long do they play as I can see this could take weeks? Would each department have a stamp, or each school? Working with student life, faculty and admin would be an interesting UX challenge…

    1. I was thinking of this game as something to play during a freshman orientation week. Getting a tour of campus is really boring. At Westminster our “tour” ended up being a really poorly planned scavenger hunt (and I still didn’t know where my classes were). I think there is a lot of room for improvement with campus orientations. Each department would have a stamp. If campus orientation is a week then each day there could be an hour where students go to a different part of campus in their “teams” and participate in whatever that department has come up with, and get their stamp. I also think it would help freshman figure out what to do with their lives honestly. Some department could really intrigue some undecided freshman. I mean if I walked into a demonstration of what a UX major could do with their life I wouldn’t have needed to get two degrees to do work I enjoy.

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