Brainstorming Games for Elements of Persuasions (W2 – Benjamin Zou)

Environmental Submarine — Rescuing the Undersea Pollution Deeper


There is a submarine that is not only generated by a clean motor but also has the superpower to restore the exuberance of the ocean floor layers and implement a reversible solution to eliminate climatic disasters.

Brief Info:

Environmental Submarine is an action and strategy game in which each player needs to come up with a lifesaving procedure that will prolong the ocean’s sustainability and be aware of extreme weathers unexpectedness that will destroy not only the damaging progress of restoring but also striking hazardous incidents for the secured submarine.

5D BIN (Box Interactive Nook) — The Incredible Knowledge Becomes A Broader Library Collection [Inspiration from RMU SAYS At Academic Media Center (home of Sentry Media) & Library of Babel Novel (Chapter Section of “The Garden of Branching Paths”)]


The knowledge of our daily thoughts will become each chapter of the library’s empty book which will lead everyone to answer life questions with their creativity.

Brief Info:

5D BIN is a multiplayer’s puzzle trivia (entertaining knowledge game); “BIN” contains a theme for four seasons each may also include special holidays and festivals with popular cultures and “5D” is 5 difficulty levels of each theme(effortless to challenging) in sequence are line (the single word), plane (compound words), cube (sentence or phases), pace (time limitation of answer each question combined with words and sentences), and heaviness (miss and wrong answer of any words and sentences will result sinking or erasing the book chapter contents fillings).

Game Sequences and Rewarding Systems:

For each question, there will be a start alphabet on each vocabulary and sentence that enable each player or team of player to guess what the answer is, there will be journey progress indicators once the player answers the correct answer that will proceed into the image collection that will sculpt the book for each seasonal bookshelf; harder stages generate more elements for the book production than easier stages.

Venonous Haunting — Eliminating the Traditional folk’s Belief in the Ghost


The supernatural incidents are not unsubstantiated scientific evidence; it is a natural chemical reaction of poisonous gases; these substantial effects even could be created by laboratory elemental combinations, and there are some chemical solutions to resolve the dreadful consequences.

Brief Info:

The game is a roleplaying between two subject roles as a landowner: protagonist – the problem-solver of restoring the precious property, and antagonist – the experimenter who will occupy the legal land purchaser for the hazardous substances’ synthesis field. Who will win/lose will depends on the damages to the landowner’s infrastructure and the failures of the experiment.

Spray Sub-Seaplane — The FLYable, Floatable, and Sinkable Hybrid Plane Motorboat


The imaginative interactivity of the upcoming obstacles the speedy powerboat will encounter needs an unharmful (not a threat to organisms) spray weapon to control the attitude of elevating, depth of droning, and beating the hazardous barriers that will randomly occur. The expected outcome of the game is to enhance the eye reaction and identification of the object’s resistances for water athletes so that they can perform better at racing velocity and special skills demonstrations.

Brief Info:

The Spray Sub-seaplane is a strategic puzzle and board game in which the player uncovers the situations they will face and come up with a solution by rolling dice to move forward and flip over the solutions decks.

Multi-Instrumental Coordinator — Where All The Musical Instruments with Beats In One AI (Artificial Intelligence) Robotic Controllers


The two pairs of robotic arms control both the melodic and rhythmic structures of the whole song to enhance the musician’s multitasking of following the correct musical tones and beats and display how the power of collaboration skills of the tech robot will affect song production in the music industry.

Brief Info:

The Multi-instrumental Coordinator is a multitasking musical game combined with rhythmic and sync musical instrument game elements to inform the player must follow the animated direction ruler to hit the exact place and time without missing beats and tone scale.