Brainstorming Games for Collaborations (w3 by Benjamin Zou)

Treasure Co-Climber — Precious Items For Climbing Collectors

Treasure Co-climber is categories of adventure and treasure hunting game in which the players (the rock climber and the rope adjuster) collaborate to ensure the climber’s collections have successfully arrived at the summit where the roper is positioned by using the tools like jumping, sliding, collecting for climbers & collections and defense tools by a roper.

Co-Aids Divers — Underwater Swimmer & Lifeguard Detecting Survivalists

Co-aids Divers is an adventurous and strategic game in which the players collect different items that may be emergency kits by utilizing the tools that can detour the hazardous circumstances and also lifesaving collections.

Elevated Co-voyagers — Collecting the Treasures from Pirates

Elevated Co-voyagers is an adventurous and strategic game in which the players collect the boxes that may contain the artificial chemicals items for reconstruction and cleaning to achieve the renaissance of refreshing the “City of the Bridges” by using tools to jump against front barriers like sedimented rocks; avoiding cross through Pirates boats; sinking underwater for smoky fogs as well as collecting key structures for reconstructions.

Rhythmic Co-Thunder-Clapper — Destructible Musical Bombers and Their Explosive Projectiles

Rhythmic Co-thunder-clapper is a rhythm game in which the players shoot the air enemies and destroy blasts (as streaming song beating) respectively to successfully pass for certification test of defensive attack by using lengths and directions of each enemy aircraft and gunshots.

Spray Skateboarding — Co-Skateboarder’s Ballhall Impressions

Spray Skateboarding is a rhythmic and strategic game in which one of the players becomes a controller to ensure the best strategies to cross over the musical obstacles as the song streaming to spray the colors out and another hue gunner to target the best destinations to spray the color into the board by using tools like crossing barriers and spray spots as instructions noticing respectively.

2 Replies to “Brainstorming Games for Collaborations (w3 by Benjamin Zou)”

  1. I’m enamored by the idea of rock climbing treasure hunters. I wonder if you envision this playing out through cards, or if the game board takes the shape of a table top mountain players can move pieces up and down with tiny ropes….

    1. This game could be a combination of board and cards (or either one) because I think this game is about challenges and gains.

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