Review #4

For our fusion restaurant we do not have a lot of competition; so for this review I am going to pick another fusion restaurant that might have the same clientele. Our fusion restaurant is a soup fusion place. The name of our place is Soup of the Seven Seas. Meaning we have seven different soups from each continent. Our restaurant site will have a main page, an about page, a menu page, a soup gallery, and a contact page. With these pages we will incorporate the same color scheme throughout the layout; as well as the type. The feel we are going for is a modern, relaxed place where people can come and enjoy a bowl of soup from one of the seas. The layout we have for our main page is different from the rest because we wanted it to stand out and to be interactive for people to use it. Each graphics leads to a specific page. Once clicked on that certain graphic it leads you to the connecting page. Then that page has tabs at the top that connect back to the main page as well as connecting to the other pages of our site. The fun graphics for our site will make the costumer enjoy their experience on our website. Soup of the Seven Seas is going to be the next big journey to conquer.

I chose Central Park Fusion, as a competitor. Their website has some animation, they have their name and a tab to make a reservation appear one the site loads. When looking at this site they have a consistent layout throughout. When scrolling on their homepage they have cutouts that show some pictures of the different items on their menu and some pictures of the venue. I personally liked how they have their booths, and tables set up. It looks like a very relaxing and calm environment. Which makes it look like an expensive place. I did not like how many times they had the same thing being used. They have make a reservation on their homepage over three times. I see this as overkill; they seem desperate with this. Their tabs are to the point, they have a nice look to them. They have four different tabs, which lead to the over sites. Their pages are very organized, and they use the same color scheme throughout.

Our site will stand out because our fusion is so different that people will not be able to resist to have a good bowl of soup from the seas. Plus our food will not be as pricy as Central Park Fusion.

Review #2 One Page site

In this one page site there have the ability to scroll vertically. While scrolling the side picture changes into the different subject that is being talked about on the left. In a one page site there should be some sort of grid system. This one page site is talking about the big cartel of 2014. This site is a great one page site it has information and also has the pictures. The color scheme is used throughout and it also adds to the site. It tells you how to scroll so people who just think there is only that one view make them wrong. In the book they talk about the layout of a site and the components in one. I believe this site shows that and makes a great point while doing it. Some of the design elements are being used like a grid. They have half of the screen being one color while the other side is a different one. They also have some of the text the color of the background of the one side. Which ties it together. The use of color in this one page site helps it seem more uplifting. I believe the site is designed well; the only changes I would make to this site would be changing the typeface. This site does show a controversy and I believe they made it a bit more eye-catching so people actually scroll through the entire site.

Review #1

The large eCommerce site I chose was Puma. Once I chose this site I was expecting the webpage to have a certain look. The expectation was an easy, understandable website. Most of this was described in the reading. In the book, Don’t Make Me Think, the writer talked about obvious decisions and ones that require more thought. People today as said in the book do not want to spend forever on a website, they want their item, or search to be as simple as possible. In the book they showed a table with a man’s face. There were three different clickable buttons. The first was the most obvious saying “jobs”. The second said “employment opportunities”; which requires a little more thought. Then the third said “job-o-rama”; which the person looking at the site had to think more than what they wanted to.

When first on the Puma site they have a slider of different pictures which portrays the different items they sell. They have five different tabs, that are clickable; which are men, women, kids, sports, and sales. Right beside that is their logo, which when clicked upon leads you back to the homepage. When I hovered on the women tab more options appear. They had a featured tab, shoes, clothing, accessories, and sport. Under these tabs there are multiple lists of options to choose from. I chose sneakers. Once on the sneakers page, they had all of the new arrivals first then the other shoes after. They had very readable text and the page had very easy navigations. The book mentioned that people also like knowing what is clickable and what is not. The Puma website made it understandable to know what is clickable and what is not. They also have a search bar which helps the customer find a specific item. The book claimed that people do not like to have multiple drop down menus to choose from, just a simple search bar.

When adding an item to the cart it has you select a size and which color is wanted. Then in a bold red box are the words “add to cart” which is very simple to do. then once clicked the item appears in the shopping cart. Which looks like their shopping bag from the store. This website makes it very easy to purchase an item. It has the requirements that the author was talking about. This webpage is a site I would come to again if I needed a particular item.