Review 4 Torchia

Masian versus Zen Fusion


A restaurant website that would be competition for my group’s website restaurant, “Masian,” would be The website itself, aside from the actual quality of the restaurant itself, appears to be portray a good quality environment. This is shown through their effective layout, color and texture, and the navigation.

The layout of the site is organized in detail. There are seven separate tabs for different user needs, making it not clustered all in one area. The restaurant name/logo is right at the top, which is good for establishing the site right off the back. Right in the middle at the top is a big graphic describing an upcoming event, which is good for highlighting the extra events they throw. The rest of the homepage is all description of the event that week. It is good for highlighting what is to come, but it would be nice if they had a little bit more info about the restaurant itself right on the homepage too for viewers interested in the restaurant, not the event. Underneath is a button to contact them. That button is on the bottom of the site no matter what tab the viewer is on, which makes it easy to find.

The color and the texture of the site is mainly black and white with the occasional hint of red. The font is not consistent, which is a little bit bothersome. Every now and then there is a hint of a bright, different color, which may throw the viewer off. For the most part, the color is clean though. There is a little bit of texture only in photos, not the actual site. The logo in the top corner, while convenient, is also a tad fuzzy. However, the overall color and texture appears to be clean, but needs tweaked a little.

The navigation of the site is organized for the most part. As stated above, there are seven separate tabs breaking up the website. They are all clearly organized, making it easy to navigate the site without getting confused. However, hidden within the site and at the bottom, there are a few links that take the user somewhere else not labeled at the top as well. Luckily, they stand out so they cannot be accidentally clicked and throw the user off. However, overall the website is easy to navigate and all flows nicely. They effectively guide the user. Especially by keeping the navigation bar fixed, so the user doesn’t even have to scroll back up to click to another tab.

In comparison to our site “Masian,” there are many similarities. Most of our tabs if not the same, are vastly similar in how the website is broken up. There are photos scattered throughout to break up paragraphs as well, much like our site, especially in our “About Us” page and their “Our story” page. However, I’ll site will stand out because it will be more bright and inviting through our use of color, rather than the dark contrast their site has. Our font is also consistent throughout, unlike theirs.

Although there are many similarities throughout the two sites, there are enough differences that they each stand out in their own way as well. However our website will differ and make sure the mistakes made on the site reviewed are not reflected in Masian as well.

Review 3

Review 3

Morgan Torchia


I chose to review the two sites Six Penn Kitchen and Huge Domain. In my opinion, I believe  Six Penn Kitchen is better entirely as an overall website compositionally than Huge Domain.

The balance is slightly off on Huge Domain. Some of the titles are centered, and other ones are left aligned, making the website uncomfortable. The entire website seems almost like a game of hopscotch with certain aspects having two squares next to each other, and others just being on giant square. With Six Penn Kitchen, the website is neatly organized. Everything looks like it fits together neatly in one border. It is easy for the viewer to follow.

The unity is off on Huge Domain. The colors are all over the place, making everything jump out at once. It gives the viewer a headache. There’s too many random splotches of green and red and blue, rather than just one bright color and some black. And there isn’t just one theme to tie it together. For Six Penn Kitchen, the overall look is clean, with colors reflecting the food. Yes there’s more than two colors, but they are subdued in a way that blends it into the website’s aspect.

The emphasis is clear on Six Penn Kitchen that the main point of the website is the food. Your eyes directly go to the bright colorful food, and then to the information surrounding it. For Huge Domain, the layout is sloppy, and the viewer isn’t sure what the important information is.

The layout for Huge Domain is sloppy. There’s a lot of buttons leading you other places making it awkward. For Six Penn Kitchen, there is a clear menu bar, making it easy for the viewer to navigate, unlike Huge Domain.

In conclusion, I firmly believe Six Penn Kitchen is a more aesthetically pleasing site than Huge Domain.

Torchia Review 2

Review 2

Morgan Torchia

The website I chose to review was “The Wedding of Ashley and Jeff.” The overall design of the website really accentuates the theme of love and marriage throughout the entire single page site. The layout consists of of two short bios about each person, and as you scroll down you gather all the wedding details.

I enjoyed the use of color in this website. It was very light and clean with nothing standing out too much, taking away from the content. I would’ve liked to see a few more pops of color, just for some added flare, but overall it worked well. The layout and overall organization worked well. The pictures served as a nice break between content, and all of it was organized thoroughly.

The website starts off with a nice big picture of the couple and the wedding date, immediately establishing who the website is about. Next you scroll down and learn a little about each one of them. To break up the content, there’s a quote off to the side and a few pictures as you continue down. It ends with wedding details, the schedule, and the couple’s registry. It is organized very well so nobody can get confused about the information.

Overall the website is very nice. The layout works for the content in it and the it is very easy to navigate through. There is nothing overly flashy, but for a wedding website it is very clean and too the point.

Torchia Review 1

The website I chose to review was Overall the website is moderately easy to use, but could benefit from a few adjustments.
Searching for a product without knowing exactly what you want on this site is very overwhelming. You must know a keyword or else you have to scroll through a very long and intense alphabetical list of descriptive names of electronics to find what you want. When you finally do get to the shopping cart. It is organized and easy to navigate, but they throw all the information you need to fill out all at once, which again is slightly overwhelming.
The design principles on the site seem fitting for what the products are. It’s very blue and gray with hints of orange, which seem to work for an electronics site. There’s some wording in the top corner in dark red, which does not seem to fit well. And the logo, while gets the message across of technology, has a bright shadow which is a bit uneasy on the eyes. The font is very basic and fits in well. With a few tweaks, the site look could be very successful.
In conclusion, the site is functional overall, but could use a few alterations to make it more user friendly and inviting. However, for a site based around electronics, it surely gets its point across.