week 1 questions kelsey

Every game needs a set of rules and a goal. If their isn’t a goal then why progress at all, it can get boring really fast. all the games i play may be more of a sandbox where you can just meander but their are still always new things to discover. i enjoy slime ranchers because it has great visuals, a slight danger aspect to hinder or jut break up the monotony of bright colors, and it always has a reason for you to keep making money and collecting slimes. even if you get all of the slimes their are friends that you can do chores for or you can just sit and watch your stock piles of food and money clime which is very satisfying.

it depends, most of the time i tend to start with the mechanics. in my game coding class in school we normal started with how the platforms work and how the enemies move before we think about the look and the quote unquote story.

i would love o collaborate with Evan or Gideon or sara, they always have really cool ideas and are so easy to get along with, which is something i really look for in someone i partner/collaborate with. those also tend to be the people i look up to in the our major because they aren’t years ahead of me so i don’t feel to disconnected but they are still older than me and know the ropes a little better so they re someone i know i can ask my questions to and get real answers and not those cookie cutter answers.

game ideas kelsey

  1. Flashlight tag
  2. Bobby cart, using the Bobby model and other carts to race around the campus.
  3. hide and seek
  4. scavenger hunt
  5. shuttle dodge

flux kelsey

  1. It was very fun but also frustrating because of the people I played with.
  2. the interactions were aggravating when people were slow. Over all everyone interacted well though.
  3. it was a lot easier to progress through, it was nice to not have to look over the rules and ask multiple questions. The game also when faster( if people would make decisions quicker)
  4. I would play again, rather it not be the zombies one because it’s fun to learn for game mechanics and rules.

little alien kelsey

i wanted to project this onto a dorm building so that i could animate he alien abduction a person, i was not able to execute this but i made a simulation of what i wanted to look like.

Dice Throne Remastered

Overview of how to play:

Disclaimer: If card has a defensive effect nix that effect and ad a damage counter.( radiance, and vibranium suit)

The point of the game is to inflict damage on your opponent by rolling a set of dice. You use combat points to use abilities to inflict that damage represented by attacks on your board.

Each player goes through all of these phases before it switches to the next person’s turn.

At the beginning of each person’s turn they must choose between gaining 2 combat points or picking up 2 cards.

Main phase 1:

You start out with 2 combat points and these can be used to upgrade your attacks. The cards that you need to upgrade your attacks will have an indication of how many combat points they cost. You will know that it is an upgrade because of the blue up arrow

A card with a white border is an offensive ability and a card with a green border is a defensive ability.

Cards with a star are action cards. These cards give you a benefit for your character, you can spend combat points and follow what that card says.

You can also sell cards and get one combat point per card you sell.

You do not have to do any of these things if you don’t want to and move on to your offensive roll

Offensive roll phase:

Roll your dice (you can reroll dice 2 times and you do not have to roll all of your dice). You want to get your dice to match one of your abilities so that you can use it.

Whatever your dice match, that will be the ability that you attack your opponent with, they will match in either number or symbol so make sure you read all of your abilities before you go rerolling so you know what you can do.

If you don’t get the rolls you want some of your cards in your hand can be used to fix it to get what you want, these do also cost combat points. These cards are orange.

Defensive roll phase:

This doesn’t happen in our rules; you can not defend any damage.

Main phase 2:

Same as main phase one, upgrade, use, or sell cards.

When you are done with this phase you just have to discard down to 6 cards and your turn is over.