game reviews

anansi’s web of tricks

  1. the rules not being on the cards and having to look in the rules over and over again.
  2. it was like uno
  3. no
  4. no
  5. more cards, suits
  6. cultural, fun, trickster

word relay

  1. nothing was very frustrating.
  2. the fast pace.
  3. no
  4. more ways to get points to make it more even points wise.
  5. more points
  6. fast, fun, intuitive

dillon’s game

  1. knowing how to start and how the damage parts work
  2. i don’t think i had a favorite moment , maybe going into the negatives of stats for fun.
  3. no
  4. have more points possible for skills and have more health.
  5. how the damage system works.
  6. challenging, dnd, interesting

slime wars game makers play test notes

  1. the advantages ? other than that the first time i played tested they had literally every question about how to start because i forgot to add integral parts in the rules.
  2. for how the first group played like 30 minutes for how they ended up playing, for the second group like 15 minutes maybe, and the third time like 15 as well.
  3. they tried to trade and also found loop holes that were really stupid. they also liked to attack a lot especially in the first group.
  4. how to start with the first group and their weren’t many confusions with the rest of the groups.
  5. grouping up on people.
  6. loop holes, and forming alliances, building up aries.
  7. blurry cards, and how to start.

shark frenzy review

  1. he barley had any rules and for some reason it was in a poem format.
  2. winning was my favorite part
  3. have more things happen with my cards
  4. i wouldn’t change any thing.
  5. more cards, and a more competitive aspect like random action cards that can be used.
  6. fish, card, cool

garden sabotage test

  1. nothing frustrated me, only my luck in pulling cards. also not getting to finish the game.
  2. getting to have as many cards in my hand as i wanted.
  3. no.
  4. maybe adding more of certain flowers, i know the point s for some cards to be more rare to get more points but i was struggling to get the cards i needed.
  5. only having a way to get rid of cards in your hand, cues the no hand limit is fun but at some point i think you would start running out of cards.
  6. pretty, strategic, creative.

academic integrity test

  1. i wasn’t frustrated at all everything made sense and was straight forward.
  2. getting to give people cards that are comedic with the prompt.
  3. no.
  4. no.
  5. nothing really needed improved.
  6. artistic, comedic, fun.

jam sesh test

  1. mostly it was the people, the game itself wasn’t ever frustrating, well maybe the amount of times we all rolled 12s.
  2. my favorite part was getting to make the songs and hear everyone’s peices.
  3. no, nothing felt like it needed to b added.
  4. maybe trading cards with others or being able to chose the key of your piece, but that would get very technical. also making it more competitive in a way, i know games don’t need to be competitive but it makes it more fun for me.
  5. having more cards.
  6. creative, simple, musical.

king of Tokyo

Was it fun?

i had a lot of fun the mechanics and king of the hill aspect was very fun.

What were the players’ interactions?

very aggressive. getting to attack people was very fun and became the aim of how we played.

Would you play it again?

yes i would, we didn’t focus on buying cards so i would love to play a round an focused more on dealing less damage and getting more victory points.

How long did it take to learn?

it probably took about 30 minutes because i for some reason was totally missing a few things and also every on was talking while i read the rules so people didn’t remember all of the rules.

What is the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game?

the competitive aspect is to try and kill the other players when you in Tokyo cuse you get more points to be in so you want to stay in. the collaborative thing i all the monsters outside of Tokyo can work together to kill the monster that sin Tokyo.

What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout?

i love the rolling dice to do actions. it made it very straight forward. but it also makes it hard to get energy to buy cards.


Was it fun?

yes the game was very fun.

What were the players’ interactions?

trading and auctioning off beans was really fun.

Would you play it again?

i don’t think i would play it again, the game seems like it would take forever with having to get through the pile 4 times. we didn’t even get through one pile and w played for so long.

How long did it take to learn?

it started off confusing, because the trading aspect was very hard for when you can give away cards for free. it started to go a lot smother after like 30 minutes but every one took so long on their turns.

What is the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game?

it was competitive to get coins, but very collaborative with the trading to give people what they need while getting what you need.

games on collecting

  1. relic seekers

a game revolving around collecting artifacts found around in caves and maps. you travel around the map and when you land on certain spaces you spin the wheel and see what artifact you collect, you want to get the artifacts that have the best value to sell to the museums and you want the most money at the end of the games.

2. critter garden

each player has a garden that they can inhabit with multiple different creatures. each critter needs 2 of a kind to be placed to live in the garden. the first to fill their garden wins.

3. galaxy collector

it starts with getting all of the different components from the draw pile to make different parts of a galaxy form planets to stars to meteors to moons. their are different kinds of planets that you can get and each set of planets and moons make different types of galaxy’s

.4. time traveler gallerys

its is like your playing as doctor who, you travel through time with the board and their are different things to collect to get out of each time and specific things you can take with you to put into your gallery. each time has its own cards and the first o get an item from each time wins.

5. fruit salad

people draw cards and try and collect the same types of ingredients for salad, whether it be fruit, veggie, pasta salad they all have certain cards that go to build them, you must take and hold on to cards without others knowing what you have. you try and get the most ingredients to get points and certain ingredient can have multiple to get more points.

game ideas about slimes

slime war—-

the slimes are at war, and your a leader of one of the slime armies, pick up and place cards to build your army and start battles with the other waring armies. may the best slime win.

setup- 112 cads in total, max of 4 players

each player has a health pool, they start with 30 tokens in their pool. the remaining tokens can go back in the box.

each player gets a starting amount of 6 cards from the draw pile.

during your turn you can either place cards or attack( not both)

the last person with tokens left in their pool wins.

placing turn

during your turn you will be able to place cards Infront of you, you have 6 available spots to place these cards.

if you don’t like your hand you are allowed to swap a max of three of your cards, you will place each card in the discard pile and pick up one new card for each one you discard.

your cards are a mixture of different kinds of slimes : plant, fire, , poison, earth, water.

their are 3 tiers of slimes, the first tier costs nothing to place, the second tier requires 2 tier one cards of the same type to be sacrificed off the board to place, the third tier requires 2 second tier cards to be sacrificed off the board.

example of above description

when a card is sacrificed it goes into the discard pile ( optional advanced option for 2 players: when cards are sacrificed they are put into a graveyard pile and can not be used for the rest of the game.)

you can also only have one of each slime on the board, that means if you have a dragon slime on the board you cant put another one down.

attacking turn

each slime has an ability, that ability can either be attack, defense, or healing.

attack— each of these slimes will damage your opponent

when playing with more than 2 players you are able to choose who you attack during your attack turn

tier 1 (8) –2 point of damage

tier 2 (4) — 3 points of damage

tier 3 (2) — 5 points of damage

defense— each slime will defend agents damage being inflicted on you

tier 1 (4) — 1 point of damage

tier2 (2) — 2 points of damage

tier 3 (1) — 4 points of damage

some attacks and defenses will leave your opponent with an effect that lasts a few turns, the effect is described on the card that inflicts it.

tier 1 — docent have effects

tier 2 — effects last for the next 2 turns

tier 3 — effect lasts for the next 3 turns

healing— pretty self explanatory, gives you back some health points.

tier 1 (4) — 1 point of damage

tier 2 (2) — 2 points of damage

tier 3 (1) — 3 points of damage

health pool

the health pool is full of 30 tokens at the beginning of the game. when ever you are attacked you take out the respective amount of tokens to damage taken, these are then put into the collective void.

during an attack turn you can only use your healing slimes if their are tokens in the void

the point of the health pool is have how much health your opponents have be a mystery( hopefully minimizing group targeting and allowing for a more suspenseful game with an unknown outcome.)

gooey grotto

you are an adventurer trying to get through this dungeon before the other adventurers can. each player has specific moves and abilities that can help them through the grotto, they roll dice to move through the grotto and can land on spaces that let them pick up cards to boost their abilities or give them extra abelites with a one time use. you can also set traps for other adventurers to stumble into and make them loose a turn. every turn you encounter a slime and have to roll your other die to see if you defeat that slime with your abilities, if you lose you can not roll to move and have to fight that slime every turn until you defeat it.

dungeon raid

you are a slime in the dungeons and have to defend your self from adventurers doing raids on your dungeon, this is also a cooperative game where all players work together to defeat the adventurers. each turn you pick up cards and use them to enhance your slime for battle. after each round an adventurer appears and you each take turns to deal damage to the adventurer. when the adventurer attacks you roll a dice to see if he hits or not and you all lose a point of health, with each of you being a slime you each only have 5 health points. you go until you defeat all the adventurers, their are only 7 adventurers each one harder than the last.

slime hop

slimes race to get to the end of the board by rolling dice and hopping that many spaces, some spaces have different events on them like teleporting, swapping places, going back spaces, or skipping a turn, or rolling again.

goo slime

its just go fish but with slimes, but you have to try and get a match of all 5 types of slimes.

citadel review

Was it fun?

yes the game was very fun, and the instructions were very straight forward.

What were the players’ interactions?

their was a lot of sabotage, every decision you made about what character you picked limited the choices of others. the assassin, thief, and warlord cards made it really fun because we started to know who had what card so it was more fun to kill or steal.

Would you play it again?

yes i would love to play, it is one of the few stratagem games that i really seem to enjoy. their were also a lot of cards that we didn’t end up using.

How long did it take to learn?

it was almost an immediate knowing of how to play after i read the rules, but over all i think the group took about 10 minutes.

Analyze the game using the 3-act structure.

their wasn’t much learning curve to the game to so the second act was most prevalent in this game, and the 3rd act was a very brief one because it may seem like one person was winning but then their can be so many curve balls thrown in with order of choice changed and with no clear circle of who plays next it was a very you don’t know until thieve already one type of feeling.

What is the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game?

the competitive aspects of the game were very clear, with the king their was a competition for who gets to go first, and knowing that the game could change during every turn it made it even more a me against them than a bide your time type of game.

What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout?

very single card having its own mechanic made the game so fun, my 3 favorites were the warlord that can destroy anyone’s buildings, the architect because you can build up to 3 buildings instead of one, and the merchant because of all the mone you can get.

the tile game( i forget the name)

Was it fun?

it was very simple and fun.

What were the players’ interactions?

their weren’t direct interactions but any tile you could place could lead to someone getting eliminated.

Would you play it again?

yes but i don’t think it has the play multiple rounds at once because it is almost the exact same every time.

How long did it take to learn?

the wording was a little weird but it was a pretty straight forward game, about 10 15 minutes.

Analyze the game using the 3-act structure.

their was never really a third act to the game, because their were so many lines on the board it was hard to tell if someone would get eliminated by their play, most of the time was spent in the second act.

What is the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game?

the competitive is the fact if your close to someone you can force them out if you play your tiles wright.

What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout?

none of the mechanics stand out to me, the only one that i think is cool is the fact you have to go to the end of a line and if someone else places them down you have to move too.

thoughts on the fire work game

Was it fun?


What were the players’ interactions?

it was very interaction involve because the whole game relied on us giving hint to each other about our cards.

Would you play it again?

i would play it again

How long did it take to learn?

it only took about 20 maybe less to learn.

What is the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game?

the collaborative aspect is working together to make the free works, if someone were to sabotage someone by telling them different cards then it would just hurt everyone including themselves from winning.

What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout?

the mechanics of the rainbow cards being able to be used as either a whole other fire work to build or being able to be used as wild cards is a very fun and unique mechanic. i also loved the fact that you cant see your own cards, forcing you to trust the other players.

game ideas week 3

  1. Harmony Quest is a cooperative puzzle game in which players work together to solve complex puzzles by combining their unique abilities and using the game’s interactive environment.

2. Galactic Rescue is a space exploration game in which players collaborate to repair and upgrade their spaceship by gathering resources, solving engineering challenges, and coordinating their actions to ensure a successful mission.

3. Mystic Guardians is a fantasy adventure game in which players team up to protect their realm from dark forces by using magic spells, strategic planning, and character skills provided by the game.

4. Survival Syndicate is a cooperative survival game in which players collaborate to build and maintain a shelter, gather resources, and fend off environmental threats by utilizing tools and crafting systems within the game.

5. City Builders United is a city-building simulation game in which players work together to design, construct, and manage a thriving metropolis by sharing resources, planning infrastructure, and tackling challenges collaboratively.

questions week 2

  • Question Set 1
    1. What Mechanics would you like to use for a game with a theme that revolves around being the size of a nanometer?

Large jumps like a flee, being able to Cary things larger than you, being able to be picked up by the wind.

2. Who are you making games for?

People like me. people who want a layer back game with no overly complicated rule sets but really nice art and visuals to make the game fun to keep coming back to.

3. Who will be your play testers outside of class?

My friends and if i have time to go home my younger brother definitely.

  • Question Set 2
    1. Can you think of a game you were able to play without referring to the rules?

uno, war, games like Minecraft and slime ranchers or other games where the rules aren’t written you just come acrost what you can and cant do.

  • How do you define what a game is?

a game is an experience that has rules and a desired outcome/ way to win.

  • Question Set 3
    1. What was your gateway game? What do you play to introduce others to gaming?

i really cant remember my gate way game, most likely it was one of the games on my leap frog but wears my water and a tinker bell game were some of the first mobile games i ever had/ remember. Mario cart is one game i feel like can be very helpful to start with, it can take time to understand all of the controls but their are ways to minimize what someone has to remember. that i one of the games my brother played to start onto video games, i feel like games similar to uno or go fish are good starting games for card games.

  • What features do gateway games share?

simplicity in rules and straight forward gameplay.

  • How does luck and strategy factor in to game play?

some card games are very luck based because you relay on what cards you end up pulling out of a deck, but they are also strategy because you have to understand how to use your cards in the most beneficial way. many games relay on strategy, if you don’t have some basic stratigay for how you want to even if its as simple as knowing the way to win. but their is also strategy in button mashing, cuse subconsciously you learn what buttons are most likely to get you where you need. you can also be so good at timing and still need.`

game designs cards

  1. darts but with cards, they don’t have to stick just hit a certain part of the board.
  2. paper football but with a playing card.
  3. balloon pop( distance game kind of like archery)
  4. ceiling tile tic tac toe( normal tic tac toe rules)
  5. prediction.( everyone gets a card and someone has to guess the card someone else has, if you don’t guess the card you have to pick up a new card to be your main card if you do guess it you get to give one of your stock piled cards to your opponent, whoever has the most cards at the end of a certain amount of rounds loses and the player with the least cards wins.

thoughts on dominion

  1. it was fun but the turns got very redundant because we weren’t using any curse cards so it was just a lot of buying and not a lot of playing action cards to win.
  2. the interactions were very minimal between players because their wasn’t any attacking and not a lot of us really used the action cards curse their was no need in how we ended up playing.
  3. it took us probably about 30 minutes to understand the basic rules( after Ames explained them to us in simpler terms) and about an hour to actually smoothly move from turn to turn.
  4. i would love to play again. their were many parts that we didn’t end up using so i would love to play another game with all of the cards and rules in full swing.