Game Reviews (Tester) for Peers’ Playable Prototypes (by Benjamin Zou)

Rule Set 2

The challenging part of the game: Trying to figure out how this game work due to the complex values that could mean so much for players in terms of the winning process and distance

The Surprising Moment of the gameplay: The value each player draw could be everything out of their control; the most unexpected outcome is I accidentally won by just picking out the ace card (only if I get a value of 50). This game also has the function of switching turns and picking out a queen/king.

Rule Modifications for the game (recommendations for switching, adding, and/or removing): Maybe start with three cards so that players feel more challenged.

Impression of the Game: It is a magical play about the exchange of values

Replaying Willingnesses (Enjoyments of the Game): I enjoy despite the complex formats of the rulesets since I learned a little bit about the game’s objective: how each card’s values could enable one to go against others.


The challenging part of the game: I cannot own items as full as I wish since I need to discard items once I draw a card that could exceed my current item cards.

The Surprising Moment of the gameplay: The adventurous gameplay involves the action of interacting with the next player to complete the goals, therefore each card is detectable to all players. In other words, this game is about getting things from the next players to create satisfying goals for each other — how greedy are our pursuits for possessions?

Rule Modifications for the game (recommendations for switching, adding, and/or removing): Creating more variety of disasters to elevate more obstacles for players to get through the path to their destination.

Impression of the Game: Will players have the right tools to deal with unexpected hazards?

Replaying Willingnesses (Enjoyments of the Game): The genre of this game is filled with narrative elements including items collections and unexpected harmful circumstances which encourage narrators like me to puzzle the sequences of the plot — it is definitively exciting for an adventurous personality like me.

Brainstorming Games for Collecting Themes (W5 – Benjamin Zou)

Rainfalls Treasures — Collecting Micro-Minerals From Precipitations

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Abundantly tiny pieces of organic materials from artificial rain could become the source of farmland decorations for better cleansing of environments.

Brief Info: Rainfalls Treasures is a strategic and narrative game in which the players wear and turn on the special vacuum for minerals collections in case the rain shows the colors cues for the treasures for achieving enough amounts for enhancing the better appearances of the farm ground.

Beatbox Treasures — Amounts of Precious Items By Hitting The Rhythmic Lights

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): The amounts and lengths of each musical beat determine the quantity of the treasures.

Brief Info: Beatbox Treasures is a rhythmic game in which the players slash the dropping beats from the treasure case and not miss any of them to prevent harm from dropping and treasure lost due to inaccurate targeting by using different squares figures and directions of knives.

Silent Rhythmic Track — Skilled Runner Crossing Musical Beats Free of Noise Interruptions to Others

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Obstacles runners stay on the destinated blocks without tapping into the calming space and falling off the route.

Brief Info: Silent Rhythmic Track is an adventurous rhythm game in which the players complete the musical obstacles challenge without tapping to the quiet spot (otherwise the neighbor will chase you for a while at first time, the second time you lost) and falling off the path by using big step crossing, occasional jumping, and sliding left and right to avoid annoying reserved spaces.

Sync Laser-Focus — Hitting the Laser Spot Instead of the Canvas

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Following the sync beam’s locations and directions from song beats without empty targeting the object and miss catching the light that will cause damage to the canvas.

Brief Info: Sync Laser-focus is a rhythm action game in which the players use postures with a laser catcher to follow the rhythmic laser directions by pinning and sliding in four directions (etc.).

Musical Gestures — Heads-up, Hands Hitting, and Feet down

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): The beats field is divided into three sections vertically, which the head, hands, and feet will need to respond to the upcoming rhythmic beats.

Brief Info: Musical Gestures is a rhythm action game in which the players use physical postures to follow the rhythmic beats by using straightforward closed hands in four directions horizontally and an open hand for each heavy beat; heads lifting for jumping up and down arrow, feet sliding for left and right arrow (etc.).

Brainstorming Games for Fictional Themes (W4 – Benjamin Zou)

Rainfalls Fertilizer — Precipations for the Flowerpot

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Fulfilling sufficient liquid nutrients from the rainy sky in various clear instead of dirty drops for growing plants.

Brief Info: Rainfalls Fertilizer is an adventurous and strategic game in which the player holds the plant pot to run the paths that fill artificial rain to receive the core seeding ingredients and be aware of avoiding harmful chemical substances by using a collector and shield.

Icefall Booms — Resonating Blades with Icy-rhythm

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Icefall crashes as the song hits where the acutely magical ice-knifes attack ices in various directions.

Brief Info: Icefall Booms is an adventurous and rhythmic game in which the players utilize the magical ice knife to destroy the dropping ices by using various directions to effective targeting blocks.

Harvesting Earth — Restoring the Remains

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Do rusted organisms only be abandoned by pollution? There are innovative sci-tech approaches to achieve the renaissance of preserving the cultivated soils and eliminating the haunted spirits which lead to supernatural phenomena that will worsen the malnutrition of the farmlands.

Brief Info: Harvesting Earth is a narrative and adventurous game in which players will start a travel journey on the spoiled ground to collect the regeneration substances by jumping, sliding down, and sliding to the left or right to achieve the enhanced restructuring of the harvest land (once they occur in some path, don’t ignore them; else the Ghostly Halloween Pirates drop down from the illusional “City of the Bridges”—Pittsburgh PA will chase you for several distances; only have one chance to fix; in other words, if you ignore the key substances for twice, game over) and also preventing the ghost eruptions besides them. (The farmers will give Thanksgiving gifts for you which you can purchase the new enhancements for running further to rescue more spoiled fertilizing ground)

Sunroof Farming — Solar Materials for Temperate Harvest Year-long

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): The organic solar components of Mars (the planet with full organic soils and rocks next to our Earth) are distributed almost everywhere which only need collections without huge investments of scientific inventions; however, the surrounding environments are oftentimes so cruel like a sandstorm, land cyclone, and thunderstorms oftentimes hide them deeper gradually that would not only harden the shortcut to dig them out, but also the hazardous for solar energy seekers. They thought of some approaches that could be the key to resolving the negative impacts of disasters.

Brief Info: Sunroof Farming is an adventurous strategy with a science fiction format game in which players collect the solar components from the Mars grounds (both on surfaces and underground) in various landscapes (Ex: mountains, basins, plains) to ensure enough energy to seed the plants in case of extreme climates by using some motor operators like speeding (escaping from rapid sandstorms coming that will spoil the core energy materials on the ground), digging (for the thunderstorm that could be risky for players—energy seekers), and jumping (for land cyclone which for both players’ safety and preventions of the energy materials dropping).

Ice-Shelf Kindler — Will Glacial Island Uncover its Greenish Soils

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Once upon a time, there is a tremendously pure island free of any pollution and surrounded by a green atmosphere of plants and animals as well as benefited microorganisms; after the ice age, the land composed of icebergs and frozen soils which plowed farm is almost gone, the regional populations strongly depend on the export products from other lands. However, one day, a few ice age survivalists thought some strategies could shrink the icy layers of the land to plant the new seeds – is it feasible?

Brief Info: Ice-shelf Kindler is a sci-fictional and historical fictional narrative strategic game in which players act like local ice-age survival Greenlanders to seek the warmer spot of the icy area (shown in color) to ignite their heater and drop some fertilizers for achieving the sustainability of its agriculture by using heating location pin and seeding gun.

Brainstorming Games for Collaborations (w3 by Benjamin Zou)

Treasure Co-Climber — Precious Items For Climbing Collectors

Treasure Co-climber is categories of adventure and treasure hunting game in which the players (the rock climber and the rope adjuster) collaborate to ensure the climber’s collections have successfully arrived at the summit where the roper is positioned by using the tools like jumping, sliding, collecting for climbers & collections and defense tools by a roper.

Co-Aids Divers — Underwater Swimmer & Lifeguard Detecting Survivalists

Co-aids Divers is an adventurous and strategic game in which the players collect different items that may be emergency kits by utilizing the tools that can detour the hazardous circumstances and also lifesaving collections.

Elevated Co-voyagers — Collecting the Treasures from Pirates

Elevated Co-voyagers is an adventurous and strategic game in which the players collect the boxes that may contain the artificial chemicals items for reconstruction and cleaning to achieve the renaissance of refreshing the “City of the Bridges” by using tools to jump against front barriers like sedimented rocks; avoiding cross through Pirates boats; sinking underwater for smoky fogs as well as collecting key structures for reconstructions.

Rhythmic Co-Thunder-Clapper — Destructible Musical Bombers and Their Explosive Projectiles

Rhythmic Co-thunder-clapper is a rhythm game in which the players shoot the air enemies and destroy blasts (as streaming song beating) respectively to successfully pass for certification test of defensive attack by using lengths and directions of each enemy aircraft and gunshots.

Spray Skateboarding — Co-Skateboarder’s Ballhall Impressions

Spray Skateboarding is a rhythmic and strategic game in which one of the players becomes a controller to ensure the best strategies to cross over the musical obstacles as the song streaming to spray the colors out and another hue gunner to target the best destinations to spray the color into the board by using tools like crossing barriers and spray spots as instructions noticing respectively.

Card Games Ideas (W2 – Benjamin Zou)

Summit Seaplane — Escaping from Hazards

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): The plane will use weapons and protections for penetrating harsh environments to the peak.

Brief Info: Each player has at least 10 cards about dealing with the circumstances and the fundamental coins about a hundred in case any player doesn’t have the appropriate tool to deal with the dreadful atmosphere. Other collections of random cards are combined with numbers of moving forward towards the safe destination — the mountain peak and as well as harsh climates that will need the player to use one of their 10 cards to face them. Five protection cards are water spray for undersea volcano eruptions, shark spray for shark coming, fire-extinguisher for thunderstorms, shield for rock fallings, and Switch for both cyclones and whirlpools. If any player doesn’t have the defense tool for the situation once it comes, the player would need to use coins to purchase the protection card which costs 25 coins per card. If the coin is empty, the player needs to throw a square dice (only one chance) – one counts 25 coins. If the coin is empty a second time, the player will lose. (The difference between this game compared with the traditional board game is the map of the board is filled with the card for the step dot.)

Ballroom Party — Stepping to the Social Stage

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Connecting the right partner for a social ball.

Brief Info: Each player will randomly draw a card about the partner’s fashion items and styles based on the descriptions of each player’s card (randomly selected). The player will win if one of them collects the most items and styles from drawn cards that match the descriptions.

Submarine Diver — Treasure Hunting By Sub Driving

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Getting the tools to unlock the submarine to drive to the precious items.

Brief Info: Each player has the tasks including tool collections listed in the card to be completed before each one can unlock the submarine. Player’s cards will include the tools to penetrate the barriers like fogs, underwater choppy tides, snow, storming (ex: thunderstorms and sandstorms), underwater cyclone, drought climate, and earthquakes. After each player completes the tasks successfully, each player will roll a dice and randomly collect the treasures (the quantity depends on the number of the dice).

Ice-skating Obstacles — Will You Be Blown By The Iceberg

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Speed and figure ice-skating to achieve a better-skilled ice skater.

Brief Info: Each Player is like a skating racer and competes with each other until arriving at the destination of the competition; besides, there will be barriers like ice hills and bumps, ice drops, and melting ice as well as conflict between players. A player will first throw some dice to determine the unit of length they travel. Then he/she will use the number of cards based on the number of dice to feel the step areas, if they approach the conditions, (as stated as barriers) they will use the 8 cards available to pass through, else they will be thrown back to the starting point. The winner will be the skater who skates the furthest.

Wild Roam — Will Rushes Be Sensed by Ghost

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Collecting Treasures to unlock the key to escape from the haunted atmosphere.

Brief Info: Each player will have cards that can use to attack the surrounding dangers including the ghost itself. Each player will draw cards about the steps they will run. Once they approach the section of the hazardous zones (surrounding dangers), they must have enough self-defense tools (as shown in their cards) to scare the enemies. When any player’s card spot the pigeon area, he/she will be successfully left from the wild paths.

Campus Game Ideas – W1 (by Benjamin Zou)

Rhythm Tsunami [Rhythm (music)] — Climax Resonates Your Emotions

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Expressing your face towards the shaking musical beats to resolve uneasiness.

Brief Info: The floating animated blocks on the choppy tides where the player crosses through by various postures like a running man. The Player will use their hand to control the character’s movement to get the blocks in the right location and not drop underseas or be blown by the block.

Compass 2 Survivalist (Survival Challenge) — The Signal to the Survival Shortcut

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Get Guidance from hazardous undersea from the compass to seek survivalists to get rescued.

Brief Info: The character will be diving below the ocean surrounded by harsh tides, whirlpools, cyclones, volcanos, and sharks; players will need to be aware of the cautionary phenomena by using jumping/spin/slide (left & right, etc.)/ liquid spray [prevent the animal attack, not harmful for both human and animal] to get through; once the character receives the compass icon, they will be direct to where the survivalist is (be sure to follow the direction and take precaution about surrounding circumstances); once he/she reach to the survivalist, then it will be successfully rescued.

Rush 4 Ambassador (Strategy) — Banner Structured By Runner

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Running to be not only a brand influencer but also creating the poster by collecting design elements like alphabets and graphics to sculpt the poster.

Brief Info: The story character will be taken initiative to make an impact on the brands he/she is up to like radio podcasts, nonprofits, and other events that lack banners and/or posters; the player will guide his/her to collect the items based on the instructions from the ad material. The character must be aware of the obstacle that can damage the banner and its item like rain and crowds of visitors respectively; the player needs to slide left and right and use an umbrella. It will be a game over if the character’s banner touches the rain or the items of the banner become empty.

Obstacles Rhythm [Story & Shooting (musical beats)] — Elevation by Overcoming Barriers

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Beating the limitations is the motivating stimulus to reach the new altitude.

Brief Info: The character in a hot balloon is a DJ who can shoot a laser(s) through his/her beat control panel and wants to get on the aircraft (for ongoing musical acts) but is surprised that he needs to pass the exam of rhythm theory. When the musical blocks come, the player must touch the destination, if the player touches the destination too late, the block(s) will blow the balloon, you have 5 hearts (which indicates the damage to your balloon, you get lost if it is empty), if you hit too early, you may get lower height as it used to be. The final score depends on the height of the balloon and the quantity of the hearts.

Wisdom Painkillers [Story with Challenge Tasks (objects collection and hitting musical beats)] — Side effects Free Relievers

The Impression(s) of the Game (why is it fun): Eliminating aches whether it is physiologically and/or psychologically by keeping entertainment beats (music and interesting tasks) resonate with your body.

Brief Info: The character loves any entertainment that can become the best numb shot for preventing anxiety for the next big event that could trigger pain in his/her body and mental breakdown; the character will be undergoing wisdom teeth surgery (extract bottom third molars) under IV Sedation; before he reaches to the dental office by his car, he would like to talk to the radio station to play the emotions of the upbeat songs that can help him to relieve tension and post-op pain(but not sure which song). Now the player must find the song through his treasure room that could match his description of the emotion of the song. During his surgery, the player will play rhythm beats (make sure to hit musical block correct to ensure he is comfortable otherwise the game will be lost); after the dental operation, the character will be sent to the car by his nurse (he cannot drive), he turns up the radio volume to the 50%, the player will play a rhythm beats. After back home, he feels some soreness on his gum, he will need to find some supplements to fuel him up (the player will take responsibility to help him to get the object).