The Impactful Aspects of the Fictional Reality Crafts Model


It is a hypothetical imagination about the border security Detectors’ relationship; each country guard detects as many as they can and moves them as closely as possible to reach the identification of permanent residents. The game is impactful because it demonstrates the closed surveillance between two countries — USA And Mexico which creates intense barriers for foreigners to safely migrate.

Last Resort (Chess)

It is the historical battle theme about the war and freedom from both sides’ possession of citizens; each side tries to protect their civilians free of life loss. Each opponent is trying to rule their land by trying to destroy their will to steal away the people. The game is impactful because it illustrates the terrible consequences of trade-offs during land conflicts which include but are not limited to threatening the innocent population and infrastructures deconstructions which they will not gain anything in terms of a cultural settlement and revolution; the great example is Civil War (not just in the United States but Koreas and pre-independent Greater China — PRC and ROC).

Possible Human Concerns that can be interpreted through logical elements of entertainment

Musical Fidelity Assurance (During the Recorded Productions)

It will be annoying if there are audible distortions during the compressing of musical files (which the majority of streaming produce), so there must be better awareness and approach to this concern most melodic songs have: reduced volume, filter signal, (audio) frequency crossover, and increasing maximum gain.

Diversifiability of Buddy Pair [Ex: Best Buddies (Globalized Social Cause Nonprofit)]

Current society provides not have adequate opportunities for the society to identify the struggle of special ability with extraordinary skills several populations owned; we should provide pavement of the bridge that opens for them to demonstrate their worldview.

Solar Hydrogen Limited Distribution (Innovative Environmental Preservation)

The fuel combination of organic power is everywhere because light and clean air never went to extinct so far; however, current technological aspects of utilizing them in secure efficiency are still under investigation. Maybe a game designer who has interested in a science experiment can brainstorm environmentally chemical solution strategies to recycle the daily garbage to generate them.

Occupational Proper Postures [Subject Topic: Human Factors (Comfortable Health Zone)]

Quite a few workplaces never satisfy employees’ ability to perform tasks effectively without harming their muscle-skeleton systems whether it is in an industrial mill or a common small business operation like fast food restaurant food runner. The workplace should be adjustable for their preferred effortless postures according to height and history or current pre-existing physical conditions.

Climatic Disasters [Each Pollution Effects on the globally seasonal patterns — Similar Game Example: Deemo II (publisher: Rayark)]

Almost everyone feels several days the weather is not just their expected each season because they feel distressed because of the terrible temperature effects on them. They may not know that some forms of energy sources can speed up the global warming consequences due to the limited control our planet Earth has; besides, there are still solutions available for each member to follow.

The Impactful Aspects of The Society Awareness Games

Dumb Ways to Die

It is a strategic animation game that illustrates the potential hazards each character will face and we as a player try to solve the maze puzzle to rescue them; when we utilize fast-paced action to prevent them to get injured from the upcoming dangers as much as possible — when one character gets an injury, the player’s health bar will drop (even though it is latent) and the player may suffer the risky level of loss that can approach to the game end. The game is impactful because it demonstrates quite a few consequences occurrence of ignoring safety measures when guests (whether they are riders, pedestrians, or tourists) seek their expensive possessions or show curiosity about strange locations and we as a witness should alarm them about the caution that will threaten them.

Fake it to Make it

It is the inside secret predictions about not only how the unverified and falsified info market audience quicker than official publishing but also demonstrates how monkey businesses are created through the mockup identification to simplify the process of startup and take advantage of the real id. The game is impactful because it symbolizes a precaution for news lovers and online visitors to be alarmed for unfamiliar promotions.

Cards Against Calamity

Equal distribution of the opportunity costs that will impact the environmental quality and also the life costs of the town community for the town planner; a player as mayor is responsible for selecting appropriate solutions in prioritizing sequences that minimize the risks other members are suffering as well as safeguard the biodiversity free of climatic damages. The game is impactful because it provides core concepts for securing the regional community with balanced financial amounts to cover life necessities and emergency measures.

Cast Your Vote

The brief overall explanation of the electoral procedure presidential candidates will experience about the current complex issues society will undergo and the options of the solution they want to proceed with; the player will serve as a voter to determine which candidate. The game is impactful because it illustrates the detailed map of the debating process of selecting the upcoming president.

Brainstorming Games for Elements of Persuasions (W2 – Benjamin Zou)

Environmental Submarine — Rescuing the Undersea Pollution Deeper


There is a submarine that is not only generated by a clean motor but also has the superpower to restore the exuberance of the ocean floor layers and implement a reversible solution to eliminate climatic disasters.

Brief Info:

Environmental Submarine is an action and strategy game in which each player needs to come up with a lifesaving procedure that will prolong the ocean’s sustainability and be aware of extreme weathers unexpectedness that will destroy not only the damaging progress of restoring but also striking hazardous incidents for the secured submarine.

5D BIN (Box Interactive Nook) — The Incredible Knowledge Becomes A Broader Library Collection [Inspiration from RMU SAYS At Academic Media Center (home of Sentry Media) & Library of Babel Novel (Chapter Section of “The Garden of Branching Paths”)]


The knowledge of our daily thoughts will become each chapter of the library’s empty book which will lead everyone to answer life questions with their creativity.

Brief Info:

5D BIN is a multiplayer’s puzzle trivia (entertaining knowledge game); “BIN” contains a theme for four seasons each may also include special holidays and festivals with popular cultures and “5D” is 5 difficulty levels of each theme(effortless to challenging) in sequence are line (the single word), plane (compound words), cube (sentence or phases), pace (time limitation of answer each question combined with words and sentences), and heaviness (miss and wrong answer of any words and sentences will result sinking or erasing the book chapter contents fillings).

Game Sequences and Rewarding Systems:

For each question, there will be a start alphabet on each vocabulary and sentence that enable each player or team of player to guess what the answer is, there will be journey progress indicators once the player answers the correct answer that will proceed into the image collection that will sculpt the book for each seasonal bookshelf; harder stages generate more elements for the book production than easier stages.

Venonous Haunting — Eliminating the Traditional folk’s Belief in the Ghost


The supernatural incidents are not unsubstantiated scientific evidence; it is a natural chemical reaction of poisonous gases; these substantial effects even could be created by laboratory elemental combinations, and there are some chemical solutions to resolve the dreadful consequences.

Brief Info:

The game is a roleplaying between two subject roles as a landowner: protagonist – the problem-solver of restoring the precious property, and antagonist – the experimenter who will occupy the legal land purchaser for the hazardous substances’ synthesis field. Who will win/lose will depends on the damages to the landowner’s infrastructure and the failures of the experiment.

Spray Sub-Seaplane — The FLYable, Floatable, and Sinkable Hybrid Plane Motorboat


The imaginative interactivity of the upcoming obstacles the speedy powerboat will encounter needs an unharmful (not a threat to organisms) spray weapon to control the attitude of elevating, depth of droning, and beating the hazardous barriers that will randomly occur. The expected outcome of the game is to enhance the eye reaction and identification of the object’s resistances for water athletes so that they can perform better at racing velocity and special skills demonstrations.

Brief Info:

The Spray Sub-seaplane is a strategic puzzle and board game in which the player uncovers the situations they will face and come up with a solution by rolling dice to move forward and flip over the solutions decks.

Multi-Instrumental Coordinator — Where All The Musical Instruments with Beats In One AI (Artificial Intelligence) Robotic Controllers


The two pairs of robotic arms control both the melodic and rhythmic structures of the whole song to enhance the musician’s multitasking of following the correct musical tones and beats and display how the power of collaboration skills of the tech robot will affect song production in the music industry.

Brief Info:

The Multi-instrumental Coordinator is a multitasking musical game combined with rhythmic and sync musical instrument game elements to inform the player must follow the animated direction ruler to hit the exact place and time without missing beats and tone scale.

The Impactful Aspects of The Property Realization Games

Mcdonald’s Game

The inside structure of fast food is like Mcdonald’s production process; this game displays the agriculture (farmland planting and farm animal feeding) for fast food manufacturing. Tight guidelines and deadlines for each production phase is the key feature of this game, during the gameplay, there will be strict regulations and paces that need to be obeyed for preventing bankruptcy. The game is impactful due to the mockup reality that displays the business model of the McDonald’s supply chain development despite the challenging complex instructions and directions to remember.


The multi-roleplay of seeking and owning desirable objects through random dice rolling; the game displays the C2C (Customer to customer) marketing strategy as the key feature and the hazardous greed which will temporarily suspend further proceedings like Jail during the investment that is unexpected incidents the prospective landowner will face. The game is impactful because it demonstrates how finance flows when people consider purchasing potential land properties. 

Brainstorming Games for Elements of Infinity (W1 – Benjamin Zou)

Song Packs Journey — Identified Each Song ID Into CD Coin Rewards


Recognized song info (including name and its artist) and/or song genre into the recording cards that will eventually become a playlist box (larger or tinier size depending on the cumulative correct and time costs of each answer) that may contain the songs from their trivia questions. This game will target aspiring musicians, commercial music implementers, and musical elements in the interactive media like musical games (rhythmic, narrative, and so on) and background music of the games to enhance the knowledge of the different musical styles that will provide an engaging experience to attract the audience in mass media.

Brief Info:

The game is a multiple-choice musical trivia (entertaining knowledge game) that explores well-known & popular songs for multiple players either in collaborative or competitive strategy to absorb coins to accumulate song cases for playlists.

Game Structures:

The game begins when players will face an unexpected each song [the judge will require to have enough song collections (preferably beyond a hundred and possibly formed in even quantities) and updating them regularly] streaming from the apps of usability like musical streaming services (Ex: Spotify) &/or a rhythm games [Ex: Beatstar (Space Ape Developer)] provided by the game judge. Players can choose either “guessing the genre” “guessing the song info” “random guessing either genre and song info” or even “selective questions that will occur guessing the genre and guessing the song info”. The difficulty also has options after players choose the mode of musical identification, they can choose “Effortlessness” which song have audible lyrics that will match the title, only the pace & correct of the answer determine the part score; “Regularity” which song has lyrics that not match the title instantly or hardly with striking score system (Try avoiding any answer empty, otherwise combo breaks – results decreased score); “Challenge” which unlyrical song will be streamed that scores based on both on the speed with correct of the answer and striking calculation with a penalty to break the combo of wrong answers; additionally players can also choose Random that blends the three difficulties.

Submarine Escaper — Seeking the Shortcut to Avoid the HAZARDOUS Undersea WEATHER


Treasure Collector is stuck on the Sub boat and is about to leave, but it is an unpredictable distance to the destination (from the deep ocean); divers must master quite a few skills for enhanced survival lifespan if possible.

Brief Info & Game Structures:

There are two barriers the survivor will be encountered in repeated occurrences: the first will be droning submarine quark, and the second will be harsh circumstances under the ocean (like sharks, volcanoes, and supernatural phenomena that are much more complex to be expected than real-life daily weathers) which will display on the mapping navigation board of each player’s location, each player should be a safe place – connected by a rope which indicates if not only anyone gets life-threatening incidents that will affect whole team, but also it would be possible if one member grabs the first aid that fixes the trauma the whole group will be rescued.



The entertaining obstacles the skate will need to overcome will become a timesaving strategy to accumulate giant icy desserts.

Brief Info:

The racing skaters (players) will move forward on the board to the obstacle destination; there is a direction for one of the competitors to use mastery postures for adding the process of the icy recipe sculpture accumulation.

Floating Buoy — Preserving Necessities AWAY THE FLOODS


The rainy disasters ruin the key items in the garage even though there is a waterproof insulator that often needs air-fill due to easily escaping gas now and then.

Brief Info:

The players will move the key objects forward to reach the destination where the floaters are located based on the dice numbers; however, there are some flood cautions in which players need to randomly select the emergency aid to resolve it.

Rhythmic Artboard — Melodic Mood Landscapes on The Board


There are various sentiments (the most intensified feelings) in each song which will be presented in altitude landscapes (the higher the more excited like dance, the lower the more depressed like disappointments, the medium will be neutral like memories) with variations of different obstacles in each song structure (volcanoes at the climax, various heights of choppy tides on intro, and Rockfalls on conclusion) and the arrangement of the songs well-connected together in terms of the smooth transition of the mood like DJing (a tiny part of the melodic peak gradually links to other similar or matched melodies). The outcome of the game is to enhance musical learners’ mastery of a strict following recital conductor.

Brief Info:

The player will follow the moving director for matching speed and appropriate postures for each musical obstacle; the player will lose if they fall far behind or well ahead of the director’s indication or quite a few beat losses.

Thoughts on Two Computer Games — Flowers & Journey


The trip starts with empty green land — the mountainous valley and peaks without grass, its protagonist is flying petals whose mission is to seek other magical petals to get connected that will restore the exuberant landscapes. It is an impactful game because it educates us that collaborative decisions can fulfill the dream toward reality and that each process of environmental protection matters in determining how large amounts of grassland can be recovered.


The trip starts in a desert environment where the protagonist has the courageous confidence to overcome the upcoming obstacles and is willing to take opportunity costs; the main character believes that faith can be everywhere and is feasible if he dares to explore each solution strategy. If he thinks he can fly over the sky to dive deeper into his real insight, and fulfill it to become a reality. It is an impactful game because it not only demonstrates how faith can become the greatest power fuel for depressive periods of struggle but also proves that miracles do happen if you can accomplish each set of obstacles and challenges of life’s course; in other words, think barriers as the opportunity to gain weapon of creativity that defeat the confusions.

Thoughts on Sample Games from My Observation (during Play, Analyze, and Ideate Month)


The game is filled with elements of uncertainty each player needs to find them and switch the card path as needed to accomplish the mission; the game is about discovering each others’ advantages and taking over them to fulfill each other’s pursuits.


The game is about war and surviving with different partners and how partners can protect each other to prevent irrevocable damage that causes one of the partners severe gun injury or death.

Love Letter

The game is about each character’s strategies to transmit messages to the princess and plan strategically to deal with opponents.


The game is collaborative objects sequence game in which each player needs to see the upcoming cards to determine wether the current owned cards match the value of the card pile for successfully launching the firework.


The game is a random puzzle piece that players will face to determine the dream place for each player. This is a structural game that one player who gets the most quality and lengths built objects — rivers, farms, and cities get further steps wins.


The game is about a ruler who wants to occupy land without other occupants taking advantage of it; to successfully achieve the landowner position, he needs to collect more decks for getting enough price amounts to unlock the lands.


The game is about purchasing treasures from gems that can develop final products.

Kobold Guide to Game Design: Part 4 (Presentation of the Polishing Game)

Difference between a “working” and a “display” prototype:

Both types of models illustrate the fundamental structure of the gameplay that the target client will expect; the display prototype is the visual variety of the game pieces like the attractiveness and routes of the game setting whereas the working prototype is the playable assets model that contains the interactive features (movable subjects like spins, forwarding and backward) for the game.

Ideal Standard of a working prototype:

Ensuring the prototype is playable game sets free of time-consuming and understandable terms

What Situations will cause problematic prototypes:

Vague definitions of game guidelines and initial impressions of game pieces and their symbols that are misunderstandable.

How to achieve a great prototype (from Dale Yu)?

  • Players need to be impressed by the appearance of the game
  • Simple Game Directions & Instructions that players can easily follow without additional explanations
  • Ensuring the game tools and elements match the game descriptions
  • Ensuring the player can have a great time when accomplishing the game mission

Advice for game pitching (from Richard Levy):

Ensure you have the industry knowledge of what the great game looks like so that you can create both impressions of self-confidence and your game during the pitching explanation.

Where might you pitch your game?

Through local streaming radio websites like Q92.9FM.

Publishers’ Expectations of the Game:

Ensure the game is feasible with fun elements, appealing rewarding, and playable rulesets

Ideal Rulesets:

Hooking an interest by stating the game characteristics, process, and expectations of the outcomes; displaying simple terms for the game tools and brief rules that avoid make-up creative vocabulary as much as possible.

Own Best Game:

I develop a compass-shapes survival game that is all about the uncertainty that deep sea divers will possibly encounter called: Compass 2 Survivalist which one player needs to get five blue squares named destinations to get rescued without losing five red squares.

Kobold Guide to Game Design: Part 3 (Prototyping & Experimenting Phases of Structuring Games)

A. Roles of Game Design vs. Development and the Process of Creating A game:

A1. Difference Between A Designer & Developer in A Game:

A game designer is mainly responsible for creating a game that involves establishing structures based on organized ideas or graphics notes in mechanics. In contrast, a game developer is mostly focused on the ruleset and the game’s finalization, ensuring whether the structures are feasible for players to interact with.

A2. Development Stage of the Game:

The developing game requires to undergo rule-setting, logical structures, mockup play models — prototypes and finally experimenting with gameplay– playtesting with additional revising (rethinking, restructuring, resetting) and finalizations (sculpting quality materials for the game) to be successfully published.

B. Obstacles of Establishing Game?

When I come up with the framing for the narrative game ideas which could be useful for narrative storyboarding oftentimes, however mechanics behind the game structures sometimes could become barriers to rule-setting; I have to consider how the rule of play can make sense for potential gamers instead of just showing complex scripts of the interpretation.

B1. Beliefs of My Game:

Entertaining narrative graphic content with strategies.

B2. Avoidance of stealing players’ Fun:

Ensuring the rules of the game match the gameplayer’s initial expectations (impressions of the game by own judgments) as closely as possible to prevent unexpected errors of game strategies that weren’t intended to be formed by the game creator like accidental wins and losses.

C. 10 Mandatory Guidelines for Gameplay Structures:

  • Use no intermediary terminology — Avoid inserting some jargon terms that need to be lengthy explanations by definitions because players are newcomers and don’t usually recognize such a random vocabulary in such complex gameplay circumstances. Game words should be part of their daily life instead of knowledge mastery.
  • Use real words — Don’t assume that players will take a lengthy brain to guess the interpretation of the texts; speak to them briefly and directly about what will occur during the game rounds.
  • Make no more work than necessary — Even though some gamers love some sorts of challenges once they encountered uncontrollable barriers, sometimes players feel too surprised to come up with solutions and strategies once they discovered there are tons of restrictions to proceed like trade-offs– these may be just too logical to continue playing for them. Simplifying the game obstacles for players to feel engaging challenges without destroying their initial expectations.
  • Add flavor (but not too much flavor) — The elements on the playing piece which impress players with visual rules can represent a greater clue about what is the background behind the game and promote better memories of the game journey; Noticing that too much info printed on the pieces could also prevent each player to achieve the shortcut of the game which will eventually become an incomplete game.
  • Make your text no smarter than your reader — Game Creators should step into the target audience’s perspectives of playing their game. Don’t be complex in forming the game directions since players aren’t really part of the game industry employees (unless they are, you still need to use design thinking; the game tester always owns the client’s brain predictions to provide better advising approaches for the game).
  • Discard rules that can’t be written — Feasible Rules that are easier for players to abide by are the keystone for completing game finalizations.
  • Take a breath — Gamers mostly dislike scanning whole instructions of the gameplay. Brief Rule Directions could mean more than a complex paragraph of game explanations.
  • Go easy on the eyes — Ensuring the directions of gameplay are not eye-hurting, Be aware of word structures, arrangements, and hierarchy. Structuring the game manuals with sensible alignments with weights and highlighting the instructional sentences that players should care about.
  • Get your final version playtested — Experiment with your game model (prototype and full product) in the mockup target clients to observe how they feel when first they try to play the game.
  • Fix it in the FAQ — How the game can be improved to enhance the better satisfaction of buyers? Collecting the questions players asked and problematic issues to revise the game structures (including setups and rules).

D. Playtesting Experience:

From the perspective of being a dual-role in-game playtester and game creator, I feel like sometimes the game idea is fun to be designed as an interface prototype, however since the game involves some criteria of rules and user experience– how the players accomplish the game without misunderstandings that may lead breaking the rules and feel the game is sustainable for them to play it regularly.

D1. Who Will be Playtested for My Game (In Class)?

I think it is randomly assigned. I don’t have such picky behaviors since everyone loves various genres of games.

D2. My Major Game Target?

The audience enjoys immersing themselves in real-life situations and dream adventures.

E. Outside Playtesting of Own Game?

Since I know that media club (RUM Sentry Media) members love to play some random challenges– they will be my desired target gamers; I think my game could be a great setting for a TV channel program or sections of the show if my club team loves that.

Kobold Guide to Game Design: Part 2 (The Play Narrative)

A. Strategies for My Game:

A1. My Preferred Mechanics: Winning/Losing Conditions, Spinning, Rolling (Dice for Luck), Turning-over (uncovering face-down decks), Moving (forward & backward), and Puzzling (info matching).

A2. Game Targets: Role-Play Collaborators (Enemies and Allies), Group Solutions Multiplayers

A3. Possible Game Analyst(s): Sentry Media Club Members who enjoy almost any type of game challenge.

B. Game Perspectives:

B1. The Easiest Game to Start with (free of instructions): My Tom (Mobile Game) has the smoothest playable experience because it is a causal form of the game and also it is just about the simple strategic gameplay of taking care of him (Tom). He can grow at any level which indicates his physical growth (even though it is mostly invisible), he also has birthdays.

B2. Own Thoughts of a Game: The game is a playable asset that contains logical approaches and usually renewable background stories that keep players to be engaged and oftentimes free of boredom and tiredness.

B3. Understandable and Sensible Game Approaches: Create Illustrations (sketching some imperfect figures, objects, & optional backgrounds) for the ideas of my own game in my sketchbook (especially if some ideas are card games or possibly boardgames); think like an imaginative narrator towards my hobbies and unforgettable experiences in my past life events (Ex: I love ice-skating, initiative volunteering for other organizations, and I rode skateboarding in my childhood, and I enjoy playing adventurous games and rhythmic entertainment like Beatstar). It is a bonus point if I could create some storyboards to aid my thinking of how to construct the game which acts like a narrative film to appeal to an audience with some interesting moments. Thinking about how I achieve the goal and with what kinds of strategies and how I can display my creative decision on encountered issues to engage others? In other words, fictionalizing your life narration into the crafts that the audience can discover by gaming.

C. Gateway Game Structures:

C1. Top Gateway Game: I don’t have any favorites for the gateway game (I am a video gamer informally), however during the first 5 weeks when I play with others socializing games (during class), I am more towards some games that have the mechanics of moving forward & backward, building puzzles and simple adventurous strategies.

C2. Characteristics of Gateway Game: Gateway games are multiplayer gameplay that involves competitions between players or collaborative players. This kind of physical game is casual playing that covers tons of strategies and usually takes extensive time to get results of winning and losing outcomes.

D. Ten Beautiful Mechanics & Which/How They Could Suit My Game Pieces :

Top 10 (Source: mobilefreetoday): Tapping, Stacking, Turning, Dexterity, Rising/Falling, Swerving, Merging, Idle, Growing, Puzzling.

Possible Fitting Movements for Prototypes: Tap Mechanics come up with unexpected outcomes for any player’s action input which is suitable for role-playing survival games in simple structures like my playable wireframe of Compass 4 Survivalist because it requires both players to spin seeing the situation they are in at. Stacking Mechanics could be applied to card games since it requires amounts of each card to achieve successful outcomes. Turning Mechanics is oftentimes used in Boardgame because it requires the four directions of game piece roaming, examples including treasure hunting games. Merging Mechanics is best used in graphics and words puzzle since some of the alphabet or graphics can match specific requirements of the game rules.

E. Matters of Luck & Strategy:

Even though the playable game should have some paths that players can take to get successful outcomes and rewards to encourage them to keep up the pace and feedback to them about each decision players will take whether it is the win or lost fate, some settings need to contain unexpectedness and invisibility to challenge players and force them to come up with solutions which can eliminate their opportunity to overcome the hardships of the upcoming barriers — the established luck which players won’t be seen and controlled is the keystone of a game.

Kobold Guide to Game Design: Part 1 (What Makes a Good Game?)

What should every game have?

I think the game must be attractive in terms of visual graphic interests and the unexpected challenges for each play but not too much; the most effective approach to enhance player engagement in gameplay is to set each stage in a single game round so that players can feel gradually about the enhancing difficulties during the gaming.

Games I owned (currently playing)? I play video games in a variety of genres (when my mom is not around since she hates video games):

Action: Temple Run, Temple Run 2, Subway Surf

Strategy & Narration: My Tom, Deemo II

Rhythmic Beats: Beatstar, Spin Rhythm

Three-act Structure of My Favorite Game and Pacing:

Action and Rhythm Genres: it is functioned by stage of difficulty as I play the game further.

Beatstar (my favorite list so far) lets me play all the difficulty levels (normal, hard, extreme) of all songs, each song contains 5 stages (easy to the challenging part — speeds and beat blocks will increase and contains more challenging postures), and unlock more songs by playing songs based on higher scores and frequency of playing.

 Coming up with Ideas with Metaphor or the Mechanic?

I think mechanic matters more than metaphor because the game is the story platform that requires players to be engaged or somewhat that let players be involved in the narrative settings, or even players create a story. The player is a key cast in a game in terms of completing the process of gaming. Although the metaphor is a rule set that can determine the quality of the game, it is not the first step because sometimes not all similar rules are applied to the same or different games.

Ideal Potential Player(s)?

I have no preference about who I would like to collaborate with because I would like to learn their different aspects of approaching the game design solutions.

Game Reviews (Tester) for Peers’ Playable Prototypes (by Benjamin Zou)

Luck of the Flip

The challenging part of the game: Deciding who needs to be put back (player vs other players)

The Surprising Moment of the gameplay: When I move forward to a special spot, it encourages me to jump to multiple spots and some spot is the turning area of the back or forth by Rock-Paper-Scissors (win to proceed, lose to backward). However, it is hard to see clear text on the board (it may be a bit crowded).

Rule Modifications for the game (recommendations for switching, adding, or removing): I would suggest placing more blank spaces to relieve tension. There is a relationship conflict between bad luck and winning the spot.

Impression of the Game: I feel like this game is about the luck of moving forward.

Replaying Willingnesses (Enjoyments of the Game): I enjoy each player’s fate proceeding forward randomly according to the automatic circumstances like dice. I think this is a great gameplay of the life situation.

Captain’s Lost Treasure

The challenging part of the game: Determine each other’s role to gain richness

The Surprising Moment of the gameplay: The Bonus is the core direction for each role & the turn of order is based on the length of each player’s full name.

Rule Modifications for the game (recommendations for switching, adding, or removing): It is hard to finish the game because there are too many golds and other applied rule conditions, so I would recommend simplifying the explanation about each other’s roles and approaches with indicating how many crew members each player have.

Impression of the Game: I think this game is about the quantity of the crew on each boat and how each boat competes for wealth

Replaying Willingnesses (Enjoyments of the Game): I enjoy the difficulties that boat crews are going to face, and how they become rich by fighting the wealth.

RUSH 4 AMBASSADOR (– Banner structured by the runner)


Creating the poster by collecting design elements like alphabets and graphics to sculpt the poster

2.         Materials Needs and DEFINITIONS (Possible Gameplay Items):

Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics (for Structured Elements for Each Banner/Poster):  radio podcast, fun festival, cheerful concert, charity event (walk, run, celebrate for a great cause).

Alphabets & Graphics (including needed elements for ad and possible resistant circumstances): A-Z letters (a to z), icons (optional vocabulary), and possible incidents (left-right fan crowds, rainfalls, furious wind) in the sculpted white circles.

Square Blocks: 7oranges for energy (whether being blown by weather or completely blank paper by series of crowds Interruptions), 7 light greens for layers of protection, and 7 blues for chances (after the first round of energy or runout of protections, you have 6 chances). Hint: Gaining each energy back (from missed) if you collect each icon or completely formed word as instructed by Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics. Remember: The blue blocks will be taken out by protection and energy each time you want to refuel your energy and refill the shield (layers of protection).

3.         Setup:

The player(s) will have a card(s) to instruct which items (letters and signs) they need to be collected for successful fulfillment in terms of contents in an ad (as shown in Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics) and use protections to deal with the weather.


When the single player gets all the items to match the directions or multiplayer who gets the most items in percentage (%) from Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics?