
Bang was really fun.  I love games where you have to guess who people are and help other players, even though you may not know who they are. It was fun trying to read everybody and I enjoyed the card game, but it was also kind of like a board game too. Keeping track of lives, the different characters, it was really enjoyable and I’m putting it on my list of games to play outside of class.

Week 5? Games and review

Cantan was a really fun game. I really liked the idea of each time you play the game, there is a different playground to play on. I learned that I like trading and collecting games, making sure that you have more paths, settlements, and roads to get to other environments to collect more cards and make more things. Splendor went quicker than Cantan, but I also enjoyed that game.  Again, you needed to trade and spend money to collect more items.


Building Games:





Art thieves

  • Get the most expensive art
  • trade/money
  • work


Week 5- Haley Bado


  • NanoBots was fun, however it ruined our friendships as we kept attacking each other. I liked the idea, but a board with a grid would have made it easier to tell who was adjacent to one another. Cascassonne we did not really understand very much. I liked building the board, the “kingdom,” and connecting the pieces, but we did not really figure out the point of the characters.

Building Game Ideas

  • Balloon Pop
  • Getting Promoted
  • Build a skyscraper
  • Make a meal?

Haley Bado- Reviews Week 1-4

Week 1:

  • Flux started out slow as we first started playing, but once we figured out the rules the game got more interesting and fun. Love letters was the same way, but we caught on more quickly because there were less cards and it was the same concept as the last game with the changing rules. Hanabi was difficult because we couldn’t look at our cards. It was confusing until we figured out how to play, but I did not enjoy it as much as the first 2 games.

Week 2:

  • I liked playing the character building games, or games with characters.  It was a was a depressing topic when having to kill all your characters, but it was still a fun game and a different concept than anything we’ve played before. I liked playing the medieval game when you had to buy each card and choose when to play it.  Once we got the hang of it, it was really fun and easier to play.


Week 3:

  • Takenoko and Pandemic were my favorite to play. The Italian game was hard to understand, even with the English directions. We also kind of made up our own rules because it was hard to understand what exactly we were supposed to do.  Takenoko was a lot of fun, and I also liked playing in teams. Once we all go the hang of them game, it was really fun and cute. Pandemic was my favorite. We needed to sure the world and the directions were easier to understand. We did not get to finish the game, but I wish we did.


Haley Bado- Game Ideas Weeks 1-4

Card Ideas:

  • Dominos
    • Have to play the card in hand
  • Special Card
    • Get the card and keep it until all cards are gone
    • Rules
  • Changing Rules
    • Bunch of cards with rules
    • Out if rules not followed
    • Last man standing wins

Chess Ideas:

  • Tetris
    • Stack pieces
    • Dice tells which pieces to play
    • Tower cannot fall
  • Play with all colored pieces
    • Memory Game
  • Hop Scotch
    • Dice tells how many jumps
    • Cant land on different colored space
    • Last player standing
    • checker piece out if land on an X space


  • Spy Game
    • One person is a double-agent
    • Guess who it is
  • Building
    • has to build their “tower” first
  • Witchy
    • Collect ingredients for a spell
    • Be the first to cast a spell
    • Obstacles and Magic Cards
  • Fly a plane through a storm
  • Salem Witch Trials
    • Don’t get burned at the stake
  • Crystal Garden
    • Good vs Bad person/witch
    • Get the crystal before the other
    • Maze
  • Zodiac
  • 13 Ghosts
    • Save their souls