Review #4

For this assignment, I decided on reviewing Taco Bell’s website in order to compare it to my group’s.

The layout of Taco Bell’s website is relatively stylish, it’s easy to find what you need and find it fast. There are photos and a slideshow, and the colors and scrolling work well. The homepage is available to scroll down to see different elements, while our fusion restaurant website scrolls down to everything that is clickable in the tabs.

The colors are the typical Taco Bell colors of purple and white with some accents of black and grey and light green. Some of the buttons featured are different colors and turn a darker shade of that color when hovered on.

The texture of the Taco Bell website is not as good as it could be in my opinion. There is a lot of white space where nothing occupies those spaces, making the website look a little empty. The texture of the buttons mixed with the colors and photos is a good texture.

The navigation of Taco Bell’s site is relatively alright, it can get a little confusing when you’re scrolling down vs. using the buttons to link you to other parts of the site. If you’re just trying to find the menu or order online, it is very simple.

Our website will stand out because it has all the elements a website needs to be functional and stylish as well. It has color, a good layout, simple navigation, and texture. We have crafted out website in order for the user to be able to find what they need about our food and about our restaurant as a whole.

Intro to Web Review #3

For this review, I decided to compare the two websites for The Burgatory and No. 9 Park. These two websites are actually quite similar in style and layout when you first land on both homepages. When you proceed to scroll down, No. 9 Park has more to be explored rather than Burgatory who does not, essentially telling its viewers to use the bar at the top to navigate the website.

With balance, Burgatory’s website has less compared with No. 9 Park. In its dropdown bars, only the first two selections have dropdown items, while No. 9 Park sticks with not having any at all.

Unity works well with both websites. They both feel like they were made to flow well and attract customers in order to get an appealing site.

Both websites have an emphasis on photos as soon as you land on the homepage. Burgatory has a slideshow of photos while No. 9 Park has more as you scroll down.

The layout of both websites is very sleek and attractive to consumers. No. 9 Park focuses on a fancier scroll down system which lets the potential customer see photos of the restaurant and read about it as well. As it is an independent eatery it has more space to do this, while Burgatory, which has many locations, cannot do so easily.

They implement Kreug’s important things by making the sites easy to navigate and locate what they want right from the start. After clicking on the menus for both No. 9 Park’s is simple and gives you the ability to be lazy in your scrolling or clicking. Burgatory’s however only allows you to click on one section of the menu at a time before having to go back up to the dropdown menu in order to go to the next selection.

Upon first viewing, Burgatory’s use of photos and informal texts attracts me more, but for navigational sakes, No. 9 Park is a better website overall. No. 9 Park’s use of photos throughout the website and ease of use makes it superior in the comparison between the two.

Review 2

For my review I decided on the website for Tignes, which is a ski resort in the French Alps. The website is designed well, the colors flow together. Cool colors of blue and white are used throughout with accents of black. The texture of the website is also very good, with small circles, stripes, and triangles framing different parts of the website and used as the background in other parts.

The website is a one scroll option, all the viewer has to do is scroll up and down in order for the content to appear. There are only a few links and they are used sparingly only for links to photo galleries and social media. Throughout the entire time scrolling down there is a toolbar at the top that allows you to choose one of their other websites, share the page, and change the language the website is translated in.

The site is easy to navigate and read due to the feature that makes everything appear as you scroll. Nothing distracts you from the content you are reading. Each element comes in when it is appropriate and does so in a cool manner by flying in from different directions. All of the text is wrapped around a photo or graphic, making it interesting to read.

This website’s design is well done due to the freshness and originality of the design. It is not a commonly made website and makes use of the best features you can use in making a website. From all point of views the website’s elements are well put together and thought out for the advertisement of a ski resort. It dives into the resort, the people at the resort, and what you experience at it.

Review #1

For my website review I decided to review Now this website isn’t one that I typically shop on, but because I need a product that they sell, I will use it for this example.

I went to their site in search of a Canon camera battery. I have been in need of a backup for quite some time now and it would be helpful to get another one for when we go to Ireland in May.

When you first log onto the Dell website, I noticed that it is a pretty simple design. Search bar, scrolling images, and dropdown menus to take you somewhere else. It is relatively simple to find what you’re looking for. My eye doesn’t wander, and nothing distracting is happening to take me away from the task at hand. They have different categories for electronics, and after some more clicking and filtering, I am able to find the camera battery I need.

The actual page for a single item is a bit more confusing. There’s a lot of information going on on the side but I suppose this is necessary for some people. Then from there you can add it to the cart with a simple push of a button.

Overall, the site is simple, if not a bit dull. It is easy to navigate but could be difficult to find certain products just by browsing without filters, and would be faster to use the search bar. There are many features that would help someone browsing and trying to decide between one item or another. The site also has many features that helps when deciding whether to buy or not in general.

When it comes to thinking, it is a good example of not thinking too much or too less. There’s a trickle of ads and deals, making you think for a moment before moving on. For most of my time on the website I was not distracted though and could easily navigate through the Dell website.