
Everything has a design, and each thing designed serves some sort of purpose. Things are designed to serve a purpose. The purpose given to something is not only a role for the designer, but also the consumer who finds personal value and purpose to fulfil their intentions. A well designed product is one that fulfils its purpose automatically. There should be no question what it is the user wants to accomplish, so there should be nothing hindering them. The design of something should be in harmony with the natural flow of one’s behavior. A well designed thing has the ability to be an extension of the user. Things like a pocket knife, a laptop, an instrument, or a vehicle can have character added to them based on how people use them. A skateboard, for example, is reflective of how the skater uses it, and the same goes with other well-designed things. Some things in life are so well designed that people dedicate their entire life into using that tool to carry out their will because it work so effectively. If it shapes to the user, works effectively, and is reliable, the designed tool can give newfound meaning to lives and shape implementation of willpower. They say a Samurai’s soul is one with his katana. A well designed thing will surpass the test of time, and can be trusted on, and can be your own.
Things are designed so that we can go about our lives fulfilling the tasks we are approached with on the regular. If there can be an easier way to do something, why not something to allow all to do said thing with ease? If anyone can do it, it can begin to be devalued. The value of the action is then associated with the item used to make it easier. The price of tools influence the price of services. Design gives forms to new ideas and a well-designed item is an attempt for users to come to terms with a new idea. It seems odd that we have many designers and people hired to make minuscule tasks easier but we still need workers to do mundane tasks. A well designed world would have automatic fast-food restaurants since everything in every restaurant only needs maybe 2 supervisors to maintain the machines. Roads should fix themselves, and cars should not need fuel, but rather just to be recharged. We have the ability to make a world full of efficacy and bounty, but our society seems to rather profit than collectively flourish. The highest paid designers design ascetically pleasing accessories. Design can help the world advance beyond imagine, but no one has seemed to design a better system for humanity to flourish together.

Augmented Reality

DreamCraft requires a pair of goggles and headphones. The headphones will deliver a sequence of binaural beats to put your self into a relaxed, meditative state. The goggles will then project a virtual sandbox where you can create 3-D structures, write notes anywhere, and create a visual representation of your mind. Dream Crafters will enter a lucid dream state where they can use tools provided. You may re-enter your world at any time and infinitely expand upon it. As a Dream Crafter explores their creativity, they will delve deeper and deeper into their minds as they tackle any situation they can conceive, and create circumstances that the Dream Crafter can live through as they figure out what all their deepest desires are. The primary purpose of dream craft is to increase the users ability to meditate, lucid dream, and self-actualize. With the opportunity to spend days in a lucid dream world where you are free to manifest nearly anything you could imagine, Dream Crafters could spend days in their mind while few real-time hours pass. DreamCraft is the key to unlocking the barriers between reality and perception. We all have this gift to create any original thought, so with DreamCraft, you are opening doors to an opportunity to explore all your thoughts, hopes, and dreams with vividity.

Project 1a

I hope im posting this in the right place,

Dave Conrad – ARTM2220 – Project 1a

The Power Shower’s primary objective with the website is to leave a good impression on all who visit the website. The site will not require much navigation; upon loading the website, the user must decide if they want to learn about the power shower, or have a specific question or request fulfilled. This forces all first-time visitors to form their opinion quickly, and can decide from there if they want to continue. By educating users of the product, we hope to amaze all who hear about our shower system. Since the shower functions and appears much different than a conventional shower, if people share our page with others on social media, they could develop a good repute and can interpret the product as innovative and efficient rather than a new and obscure conversion. The website should amaze, inform, and allow the user to begin customizing their purchase early during their visit to engage them. We want the user to be able to know everything they need to know about our product without asking a question. Our client’s expect a high quality product, so we want them to have a pleasing experience. Users who visit expect to discover what our product is, why they should care about it, and maybe (but unlikely) make an impulse purchase. Users who visit multiple times may be visiting to have a question answered, request a service, or they have made up their mind and are ready to purchase their new shower. Overall, we want our users to be excited and well-informed about our product to normalize this big step forward into the future of hygienic supremacy.

Upon entering the website, the user will instantly find themselves watching an informational video showcasing the Power Shower’s key features. After the video ends, the user will be asked to “Share” with people on social media or “Enter site” which redirects them to a catalog of different colors and features they may want to include. As they are playing around with the different features they can add and customize, they will learn more about all the features. The customization page will have the most time spent on it compared to the other pages, so this page will be very interesting and showcase little features that might really stand out to certain individuals’ wants and needs. Even if they had no intention to purchase a new shower, the experience will be fun, engaging, and will increase the user’s knowledge of our product to share with others who would be more likely to look into making an investment. There will be a “help” button included on the homepage to redirect the user to a page that answers all the questions the user may possibly have. We plan on having an instillation team that goes to each client’s house to install the new shower system and for a clear fee, can remove your outdated shower to make room for the Power Shower. The help button leads to a page that should answer every question our user may have, as well as provide contact details, list pricing information, and explains features further. Any specific technical questions can be asked by calling customer support. The user has very few options upon entering the site. The either want a question answered or to learn about the product. Our site will make the answers easy to access and learning about the product an effortless and engaging experience on the user’s part.

Creative Live: Free Online Classes


This is a great resource for business and design students. You can tune in during live streams (and slightly old streams if you missed a class). My appreciation for lectures has developed significantly after visiting this site frequently, which has helped me focus and listen more effectively. Try some seminars out, and don’t forget to take notes!