Review #4 – Sumo Maya Mexican Asian Fusion

In this final review, I will be going over the website design and its effectiveness of the Mexican-Asian fusion restaurant, Sumo Maya. To start off, the site is very bright and welcoming when it first loads up. Along with a lot of the sites that I have reviewed in the past, the color scheme is white with pink and orange accents. So many organizations base their websites on a white with accents color scheme nowadays and this is because it has a modern look and it is easy on the eye.

The layout of the site is very blocky but in a good way. The blockiness keeps everything ordered and professional, which is why it works so well. The only complaint that I have about the layout is that when scrolling down the page the pictures and white backgrounds go over the top of each other. To me, this is kind of bothersome because it does not look natural. It is nothing too big, but it is enough to cause me to be bothered by it. Other than that, I think the layout works well with the pictures and information being separated into different parts as you scroll down the page.

The site presents a very comforting and smooth texture. The font used is not rough or rugged, but smooth. Also, the white background keeps it smooth and comfortable as well. The site is also easy to navigate as the tabs to each page of the site are at the very top and are easy to notice. On each page when scrolling down, all of the information needed to be found will be there.

With my group’s project, we took a different approach. Our site is drastically different from Sumo Maya because we have a darker theme and we have kind of steered away from the typical modern site layout. I think that our site will stand out because it is unique and does not follow along with the status quo of web design today. Using darker shades of colors, it already sets us apart from a lot of sites that restaurants have. Overall I think our theme and layout will stand out amongst others.

Review #3

The two sites that I took a glance at were and The both of these websites have a very modern and blocky type layout, which works well with emphasizing certain material. The material that is highly emphasized is the pictures that are placed on each tab. The blocky type layout also sets a nice balance to the page because everything is ordered and symmetrical. With both of the site’s design layout being so balanced, it is easy to create a visual hierarchy to show what the most important things on the page are.

If you notice on both of the websites, they are broken down into different areas. With the Six Penn Kitchen, these areas include the headlines with all of the different tabs on the top and the body below it, whether it holds pictures or text. As far as the No. 9 Park goes, it is arranged a little differently with the logo and tabs on the left side of the page, a header for what page of the site you are on up top, and the body of information below it. Though they are arranged differently, you can still tell that they are clearly broken down into different areas.

One thing that both of these sites have is unity. The layout created for the each of them creates a sense of unity among the site because everything is in order together and nothing seems cluttered.

Review #2

Upon scrolling through, I was fascinated by the site because of its design and concept. This site has a very sleek concept combining 2-D and 3-D elements and using two different color schemes. The main thing that I like from this site is that it does not require any scrolling. Everything that you need to see is right before your eyes.

The design concept itself it quite interesting. You mainly navigate the site through clicking and holding onto this 3-D drop that moves like it is looking at your cursor. Each time you hold onto the drop it displays one of six different designs to play around with. Each of these designs bring forth something different. The first one is in full black and white and is of apples and moons floating around in circles and they get bigger and smaller as you move the cursor. The second one is of a vibrantly colored 3-D cylinder and ball. The ball is controlled by your cursor and when you hit the cylinder with the ball it swings around in place, making different sounds depending on where it is hit. The third is of a bat that shoots out lasers from an ouija board that reveals a few different photos. The fourth one is a tunnel that switches from a black and white tone and a colored tone while also changing shapes between a circle, square, and heart. The fifth is a neon blinking bottle controlled by the cursor and when it is moved it releases various blinking, neon pictures. The sixth and final design is of shapes flying in a black background and bounce out of the way when impacting into the cursor. After a certain amount of shapes are hit it will switch to a white background with black shapes.

On the main page in each corner, there is a specific button. The drop-shaped button in the top left corner works the drop is you don’t want to click on it. In the bottom left corner, is a play button to reveal their showreel to watch. In the top right corner, there is a circle button to reveal what they do, some of their work, and their contact information. Lastly, since everything on the site has sound, on the bottom right corner, there is a bottom to turn the audio on and off.

I really love the design and layout of this site. The color scheme is a bit confusing to me, but I think it works very well together with the mix of black and white and neon, vibrant colors. Navigation on this site is also very easy for the simple user because everything is already there in front of you without have to do any scrolling. Another thing to make it easy to navigate is that everything is explained on what each button does. Overall it is a great site to have some fun on.


Review #1

After looking at a variety of eCommerce sites, I chose to review as I am very familiar with it. Rowdy Gentleman is a brand aimed towards the consumers that are into the “frat” lifestyle. It has become increasingly popular in the past year and its website has evolved tremendously.

When the website first loads up you notice that is has a very sleek and modern layout to it. With the layout that it presents, it is very easy to navigate the website because everything is shown on the front page. I also personally like the black and white color scheme because then it makes all of the products pop out on the screen. Along the top of the page are the links to the different styles of apparel and accessories that they offer. As you scroll down you see a banner taking up a large portion of the screen to advertise their latest sale. Further down there are a few rows dedicated to showing off the most popular items on the website. Once at the bottom of the site there is a space sign up for the email list and a section for all social media links. The very bottom is dedicated to help, orders, retailers, and about the company.

The style and layout of the website is something that I see on a lot of websites on the Internet today. The sleek black and white scheme is almost like the status quo now for a lot of websites. Although it is used a lot, I think it works very well in this case for what they are trying to put out there. The site itself has is very user friendly and easy to navigate so in my eyes it is a very professional site.