Review 4

Our restaurant is called The Breakfast Swirl because it is a combination of all foods served on a breakfast menu. I found a restaurant that would compete with ours called The Funky Brunch Cafe. The Funky Brunch Cafe has a fun menu much like ours. They have an orange, green, and tan color scheme throughout the entire website. As it says in the reading, orange is a very active and energetic color which works perfectly in a breakfast restaurant setting. Green symbolizes growth, freshness, and hope, which is also a great color choice for the early birds. The Funky Brunch Cafe’s logo makes me feel sticky because of the words drawn in syrup but that too gives off a successful breakfast feel to the site. On the home page background lies a stack of pancakes. The home page is extremely simple yet gets the point across. The navigation is quite simple as well. The navigation is located at the top of the page and to the right of the logo. Once you click on a nav. button, the word lights up bright green. The Funky Brunch Cafe would be great competition for our restaurant because our main focus is offering customers a unique experience. I would like to see the prices of the menu items on their site. I also would like to see the greens that they use for the logo and the nav buttons be the same color green. The Breakfast Swirl will stand out because our buttons are a little different than most restaurants with the simple word as a button. Our site is just as simple layout wise. The Funky Brunch Cafe has a multi page menu and ours is only one page of everything our resaurant has to offer. I’d prefer to see everything on one page just to make it easier on the eyes. Our home page will definitely stand out because of the images that will be in constant rotation. Our navigation buttons look like actual round buttons which is rare. Both The Funky Brunch Cafe and The Breakfast Swirl are simple layouts but that’s what breakfast is all about. I think both websites are competitive and successful.

Review 3

No9Park has a very professional looking home page.  The layout of a website is extremely simple.  The top right corner of the page has flipping images of food and the restaurant.  On the left side of the page is the navigation.  The bottom of the page consists of location and reservations information.  Every page has an image that goes with the text below it.  The colors of the website are very pleasing to the eye.  There are different wrappers around each section on each page guiding your eye to each place.  When hovering over a clickable link the text gets underline.  The website as a whole is very balanced and has minimal noise.  Peter Allen’s Italian restaurant website is my favorite out of the two.  As it was stated in the reading, Krug outlines 5 things you can do to make sure users see and understand as much about your site as possible.  These 5 things include: 1.Creating a clear visual hierarchy on every page 2.Taking advantage of conventions (both naming and graphic) 3.Breaking pages into clearly defined areas 4.Making it obvious what constitutes a clickable link 5.Minimizing noise. In my opinion Peter Allen’s Italian restaurant website succeeds in all 5 of these admirations.  The first thing my eyes go to are the interactive images on every single page the website provides.  The background color of the home page is very relaxing and calm meanwhile cheese is falling from the top of the screen onto a delicious looking stack of noodles.  Even the way the restaurant and food offered is described sounds more enjoyable than No9 Park.  This much effort in a website hopefully means the food is unbelievably good!  This Italian restaurant website provides great use of hierarchy on every page.  The navigation is in smaller text but just off to the right of the name of the restaurant.  Other than the home page, the images on the top of every page are the exact same size including the name of the restaurant in the top left corner.  The site’s pages are divided into three sections which include navigation title in the first section, information about the chosen path, and the consistent hours and address information in the third section.  A red underline appears under any clickable link.  The layout is easy to navigate through and the interactive pictures are entertaining to watch over and over again.

site review 2

After looking through the many single page websites found on the site you provided for us, I found a site that was one large animation saying Happy New Year. When I first launched the website, all that appeared was a loading screen that said “Are you ready?” and then a match that kept jumping up and down. I then discovered that when I put my mouse over the match it was a button to click on. Clicking on the match then made the match catch on fire and four colorful rockets showed up. Clicking on the match again I could drag the match to each rocket string. After dragging the match to the first rocket a sign popped up that said “Nicely done! 3 to go!” which then led me to believe I needed to light the last three rockets to find out what happens next. The rockets then shot up and the screen changed to a city skyline and the words Happy New Year 2016 on it with lots of little blinking dots in the background. Referring back to the reading, the color of the single page site went perfectly with it’s theme. The never burning out match was fun because it gave you as much time as you wanted to light the rockets. Taking a deeper look at the rockets colors (green, orange, blue, and red); green symbolizing growth or hope, orange being a very active and energetic color, blue symbolizing openness, and red having a reputation for stimulating adrenaline and blood pressure.

The navigation is provided by the different objects you have to click on and where you move them to get to the next page. The user does not need to scroll at any time. I don’t necessarily understand why there is a website just for an animation regarding a happy new year note. The site’s design elements make it extremely easy to move throughout the site. The texture of the illustrations could be better. There could be shadows or more detail in the illustrations but it all still works for the simplicity of the site itself. The point I got from the website was just to make a fun animation for New Years. I like the process of getting to the New Years message with the city skyline. It is a very basic site. On the last screen on animations you can click to get more information about the artist. I don’t feel there is a strong purpose for the site. It’s not selling anything or persuading anyone to do something. It’s just a way to say happy new year and show off the artist’s coding skills. Although this site is a bit childish because of the process, every once in a while it is fun to come around these types of sites. The site is supposed to be promoting the artist’s GreenSock Workshop but I would not have known that if I didn’t read about it beforehand. For what the site provides I think it would be a fun thing to send to relatives on New Year’s.

Review 4

Potato Bar Spud’s Poutinerie would be good competition for our Cream and the Crop restaurant because it includes very unique menu items. It looks like a popular college student place to go to. I can imagine this restaurant in a location such as the Strip District. After looking at the menu I found a bunch of unique options which is similar to our restaurant menu. Their website had the restaurant’s name in the upper left corner that stayed in place and a main navigation key at the top of the page. The navigation keys lead to the menu, restaurant locations, about the restaurant, franchising, and community information. When you put your mouse over any of the navigation keys on the top of the page, a yellow border appears. The background is a kitchen style looking stone tile that is stationary on the screen. Each navigation key has an orange sponge textured border. In the reading it says that texture should give off a feeling and the kitchen stone tile look gives off a home feeling.   Also in the reading, orange is thought to promote happiness, enthusiasm, and creativity. At the bottom of the page are more navigation keys such as Spud’s store, franchise login, faq, become an associate, and Spud’s club. All of the main navigation keys are on every page the website allows you to go to. There isn’t much information on the main page of the restaurant’s website. The menu only offers two pictures of items on the menu. The menu is organized into many sections. Our menu will include many pictures of our menu options. You do have to go back a page once you’re on the menu page in order to get to the other navigation keys. Shown on the locations page is a picture of more food and map views of their restaurants. I don’t believe their color scheme works for the website. I also found that when you place your mouse over the food pictures on the main page, a small sign pops up telling you what the transition into the next picture is going to be. Our Cream and the Crop restaurant website will stand out because of the many pictures and pages loaded with things to read. Our website has smooth transitions between different pages and easy navigation. Our website includes much more information about the restaurant itself and the faces behind the food than most restaurant websites.

Review 2

The single page website I chose is for a kitchen design company called “Eginstill”. The website first brings up a big picture of a kitchen on the screen. When I attempted to scroll down to see what else this website had to offer, it minimized the picture bringing me to a main page. The website has a very modern look to it, matching the kitchen designs and colors perfectly. There is a guide menu on the left side of the screen which includes contact information and the different kitchen designs the company has created. Each section in the guide menu has it’s own scroll bar and while I was scrolling through the different kitchen designs I noticed the designs labeled on the guide menu were either visible because I was looking at that design on the right side of the screen or they became hidden because I had scrolled past that design. The title of each section was labeled at the top of the page and moved with the rest of the screen as I scrolled through. For each new kitchen design there is a slideshow option for that set. Also as I scroll down the pictures expand to fit the screen. I find the design of this website very eye catching. The site’s design is extremely easy to read and understand the content. The entire website gives off a modern feel and it’s layout and composition is very well put together.

Review 1

As the weather gets colder, I realized I am in desperate need of new leggings. As I entered the Athleta website, my eyes went immediately to the changing picture in the middle of the screen providing me with new arrivals and different design collaborations. Directly above the moving picture screen is a list of categories. I very easily click on Bottoms which leads me to a new page of many different pant styles. On the left of the screen are specialized categories for sizes, specific styles, or more features. If I scroll down I see lots of images of different pant styles with readable labels. I then click on the tall option in the specialized categories section of the website. That click then brought me to more bottom options but specifically the tall style I was looking for. Now on the left side of the page there are size options, color options, and price range options. I scroll down the page until I find a pant style I like and click directly onto the picture. Now on the screen is a big picture of the pant I clicked on including a zoom in option, different colors of that same style, recommended options, and the rating for that pant. After choosing my size and desired color, I clicked the all caps add to bag button. A message pops up telling me I added an item in my bag. It gives me two options; keep shopping, or checkout. I choose the bright red checkout button which then takes me to my shopping bag.

I found that my overall experience with Athleta’s website was quite easy to use.  The website was also very pleasing to the eye. Don’t Make Me Think emphasizes on making a website convenient. The site was easy to look at. The designs were simple and the process of checking out was quick and painless. The layout and ability to find a product was dummy proof.