Augmented Reality

DreamCraft requires a pair of goggles and headphones. The headphones will deliver a sequence of binaural beats to put your self into a relaxed, meditative state. The goggles will then project a virtual sandbox where you can create 3-D structures, write notes anywhere, and create a visual representation of your mind. Dream Crafters will enter a lucid dream state where they can use tools provided. You may re-enter your world at any time and infinitely expand upon it. As a Dream Crafter explores their creativity, they will delve deeper and deeper into their minds as they tackle any situation they can conceive, and create circumstances that the Dream Crafter can live through as they figure out what all their deepest desires are. The primary purpose of dream craft is to increase the users ability to meditate, lucid dream, and self-actualize. With the opportunity to spend days in a lucid dream world where you are free to manifest nearly anything you could imagine, Dream Crafters could spend days in their mind while few real-time hours pass. DreamCraft is the key to unlocking the barriers between reality and perception. We all have this gift to create any original thought, so with DreamCraft, you are opening doors to an opportunity to explore all your thoughts, hopes, and dreams with vividity.