Alec Balenciaga Amazon Review

Amazon has always been very good to me when I search for something.  I was looking for guitars because I am always looking into guitars but because its such a broad spectrum and I wanted to see how Amazon would help me find what I’m looking for.

First thing that was really nice was when I typed in “guitars” in the search bar it automatically showed different types of guitars I could also search for or begin to narrow down my search.  It gives me different departments I could look in first like “Instruments” or “Toys”.  Then Amazon gave me different ways to finish my search like “guitars for kids” or “guitars for sale”, again giving me the option to narrow my search fast so that I could find what I’m looking for and get on with my day.

So once I searched “guitars” I noticed immediately that Amazon was built to be scanned. Everything important stands out from the other text due to size and color. To me having price in red is the biggest thing because it catches the eye and when people know what they are looking for the next thing is comparing prices.  Amazon also offers more refined searches on the left side bar.  For me when I was looking to see how Amazon would help me find a guitar this is exactly what I wanted. The side bar starts by giving you more specific categories under your search, so I had different options like “acoustic guitars”, “electric guitars”, “kits” etc. I decided to refine my search and click on “electric guitars” and It brought me to exactly what I wanted.  Amazon still stayed very skim-able and yet again giving me even more ways to refine my search so that it was easier for me to find what I am looking for.  Categorizes like brands and price ranges allowed me to really narrow down what I am trying to find and also giving me a lot of different options.  The best part was the fact that It was easy to find different subcategories, I wasn’t hunting around the website trying to find where I can refine my search.  It was right there and easy to look through and find another category.  Along with the subcategories, Amazon is great with leaving bread crumbs. Say I keep digging and digging for something but I then decide to hop back to a category I was in 3 pages ago then I just have to look up and click back to that category instead of using the back button like everyone else.

The ordering process my have been the easiest part of the whole experience.  There is nothing tricky about it. Everything that you need to click to proceed with your order is very visible and is obviously a button to press. I would say the page after page is a little much but you know what you have to do on each page, there is nothing to try to trick you.

I would say Amazon has everything down to a science when someone comes to their website to buy something. It is simply, user-friendly, not cluttered, and you can get in and get done very quickly. My shopping experience with Amazon is what every site’s should be, quick and painless.