For review number two, we were to analyze a continuous scrolling webpage taken from Within this site, I chose to analyze “The Nifty Portal.” It promotes cryptocurrency and NFTs, which have been in the news a lot lately. I have to admit I still have very little concept of what NFTs are; It still pulled me in. This site has users navigate with up-and-down scrolling with minimal clicks to other pages.
This immediately jumped out at me because the preview looked almost like a video game or science fiction movie. The dark colors of the background images give it a movie poster feel, and the large, pale block fonts make the titles stick out. Every time you scroll, the font appearing next loads in exactly like an old video game loading page which I love. The use of the moving fonts make your eyes jump on to the next quickly. The typography element of this site made it super easy to decipher. A few of the graphics in the tab dividers went across the page from left to right. Some of the graphics flashed a few times before the mouse hovered over them, but it wasn’t anything too jarring. I wouldn’t count this as a negative because it added to the ambiance, but I still wanted to make note of it. The background graphics had a perspective zoom effect to them, so when you scrolled it either zoomed in or out with the direction of your scroll (up/down).
If a user needs to move on to a different part of the website, you either scroll up-and-down or click on a graphic that takes you elsewhere. The other places were links to social media profiles and legal documents like Terms & Conditions.
I think this is a very well done site because I was engaged the whole time. No clicking in between other tabs or looking track of the information, but wanting to know what was coming next. It was organized well in that each new segment was sectioned off with the proper tabs and new text boxes. It wasn’t jumbled up when you moved downward which some of the continuous scrolling sites have issues with. I mentioned above that I loved the colors and fonts the most.