Week 1 Responses

What are the goals of Apple’s website? How does Apple’s website address the needs of a user who has just purchased their first MacBook? (Chapter 3)

  • Apple’s goal is previewing all the latest gadgets trying to grab the user’s attention. While doing so the user’s become an existing user and they could also navigate to their designated tab such as Macbooks or IPhones, they want both new users and existing users to find use for the website. Another feature they allow new or existing users to do is navigating to the support tab in case they have questions on the product or assistance with a malfunction.

What are the functional specifications of Facebook’s wall? If you are not on Facebook what are the specs for the signup page? (Chapter 4: Functional Specifications, Content Requirements an Prioritizing Requirements)

  • Facebook is meant to be a site for people to connect with friends and families. The website allows one to share posts, images, or memories with one another. On the Facebook wall, users are presented with recent shared images, posts, and ads from different sites.
  • When signing up on Facebook, you are asked to insert your first and last name, email, birthday, and gender.

What are four architectural approaches to information structure? Find one example of each. (Chapter 5: Information Architecture)

  • Hierarchial – family tree
  • Matrix – clothing websites
  • Organic – wikipedia
  • Sequential – a textbook

What percentage of The Huffington Post index page is navigation, and what percentage is content? What about Google, Wikipedia, and Etsy? (Chapter 6)

  • On the Huffington Post index page, the entire page is navigation while there are a few links to content.
  • On the Google index page, majority of the page is content and no navigation.
  • On the Wikipedia index page, there is no navigation just content.
  • On the Etsy index page, there is a little bit more navigation than content.

How does http://landor.com guide the readers’ eyes and focus their attention on what is important? (Chapter 7: Follow the eye)

  • Landor guides the reader’s eye by giving the user a guided tour, there are very few options its just a straight scroll up and down. The website is trying to use as little distractions as possible so that the user has an easier time navigating through the website. They also use very bright colors like yellow, to really grab the user’s attention on what is important. The most important or most recent post is of course the first image you see on the page.