Syllabus Week Questions

  1. One of the goals behind the Apple’s website is to make the navigation and use of the website concise and simple for consumer use. Another goal for the Apple Website is to further advertise their products in a manner that reflects both the product itself and the simplicity and sleek design of it. Over the majority of the website different products were flashed across the screen with very minimal typographical descriptions; this layout shows the consumer how simple and easy their products would be to use. For new users of their products as well as old, there are several options for support. There are tabs specifically dividing the different apple products such as iphones, itunes, or ipads, so if a new user was in the need of looking up his first MacBook he could narrow down his search beginning there. Also readily accessible in Apple’s website is a search bar at the top of the webpage that allows a user to specify whatever problem they may be experiencing. The entire website is designed to market to new users of apple products as well as returning users.
  2. When initially logging into Facebook, the page is organized so that the largest column you see is the recent feeds from all of the people you are friends with as well as the content that you have chosen to follow. On the left there is a clear navigation bar of short cuts, exploration tabs and options to create new pages and things. At the top of the page there is a navigation tab that can bounce you from notifications to your own feed to the general feed as well. Facebook is set up to be a social media device and to reach and connect as many people as possible, using as many tools as possible.
  3. The four architectural approaches to information structures are hierarchy, matrix, organic, sequential. The first organizational structure, hierarchy, is commonly used as an organizational method in websites like an artist’s website where there’s a homepage and navigation bar for different pages. The next organization structure is the matrix which would be used in a website selling cars where you can preference make and model of the car as well as many other things at the same time. The Sequential organizational structure is one most commonly understood, such as Pandora, a site for listening to music, where you must listen to one song and then move onto another song. The last organizational structure is Organic, a structure that doesn’t contain any particular rule or pattern. An example of this would be wikipedia, a search engine that is a strictly contextually based search based off of key words.
  4. I would say The Huffington Post index is split nearly 50/50% of navigation and content as a news post. Google would be about 75% navigation if not more, and 25% content as google merely navigates to other sources. Wikipedia is comprised of nearly the same with 60% navigation and 40% content. Etsy would also be primarily comprised of content at almost 75% with only 25% navigation as it is purely a content based outlet.
  5. does a good job of guiding the reader’s eye to important information using bright yellow for headline elements and overlaying white text across it. The way that the home page is designed, a user will most likely navigate down the page until the end, and how the website is set up it begins with content and then ends with an about page and contacts. Important points are highlighted with images and bold headlines surrounded by a lot of negative space.