Review 2 Review is a portfolio website displaying Jens Nielsen’s work as a digital designer. It is a single page site sectioned off into four different areas. When you scroll, it goes to the next page. The website gallery also has left and right arrows to scroll through more work. The layout is very simple and intuitive. Everything is clearly laid out for one to learn more about the designer and his works.

The site is able to stay consistent without losing clarity. It sits in the perfect medium. Although very simple, the website has clear visual hierarchy on what is most important and the order to look at things. His name is the largest considering this is a portfolio of his. The social media links are grouped close together and are the same size. Each area of the website is clearly sectioned off when you scroll and each has a purpose. The different items that can be clicked are pretty noticeable and some are even animated. His photos zoom in when you hover over them indicating that you can click on them. They then take you to the actual Instagram photo. Overall, the site has good spacing and is lacking any clutter. It has a very crisp and organized feel to it.

Texture: The use of shadows and rotation on the website display creates a really intuitive 3d effect. The background is a very clean and minimalistic. The portrait on the first section has a grainy texture to give a really rugged look when combined with the black and white.

Color: The first web paige has a black and white background with very vibrant colors for the social media buttons. It then rotates to very vibrant colors involving his work. Then it alternates back to black and white for his summary and finally ends on more of his work in color. The alternating pages works really well. The background is a light shade of grey that does not distract from the important details on the pages.

In conclusion, is a very well designed site with a simple purpose that executes quite flawlessly. It is simple, but intuitive. Everything is easy to read an navigate due to the lack of clutter and good hierarchy. The buttons and objects are easily defined. Each area looks unified to the whole site. The logo and social media buttons follow you as you scroll on every page except the photograph gallery and really help with the unity.  The site definitely creates a smooth and relaxing experience while you learn more about the artist himself.

Tristan Coyle