Terms and Conditions May Apply

In this documentary, they pursue exactly what it means when we check the terms and conditions box on many websites. They go into detail about many of the major points of large websites. After the first viewing of each point they go into extreme detail of exactly each point means.

Before watching this movie I knew about some of the things they were doing. I had the idea that “If I’m not doing anything wrong and it helps national security what do I care if the government listens to my phone calls.” I think I would still keep this thought-process if it were just that. However, I have learned that the government can access every single time you press a key on your phone. This rose the question to me, why in the world would the government need to know every time I press a key? That is not ok with me.

Another point that aggravated me was that these large companies are selling my information. I don’t even want the websites to know  as much about me as they do, never the less sell it to someone for a prophet. To me, that seems wrong. I can some what understand websites wanting to know information to better serve you, but that should be encrypted information that is safe. It seems like a responsibility of the company that is taking so much information to keep it safe from others, not sell it.

After this movie I wanted to through my smart phone off a cliff and go back to the good ol days of a flip phone. I think companies and the government have way too much of a foot hold in our personal lives. I understand when the government says its for national security but national security doesn’t need to document every time I add bills up on my calculator. As for the companies, I truly believe that they would be out of business if only 50% of there users fully read and understood there terms and conditions. It is intrusion of ones personal matter and should not be kept on file.