Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapter 1&2

The book states that Interaction Design is a creative process focused on people.  Interaction Designs are created through a process with various steps.  These steps are called different things based on where you read but in this book the steps are define, discover, synthesize, construct, refine, and reflect.   First, the designer must have a problem or definition that they must define and figure our a strategy to go forth with.    Then, they must discover the wants and needs of the potential users. After all, the end result must be user friendly so the designer must research deeply into this section of the process.   After this, the designer must figure out a focus for their research. This leads to the construction of the project and testing it.  After being tested, the flaws are assessed and fixed.  Throughout all of these steps, the main focus must be on the users and how it will affect them because this is the main purpose of Interaction design as a whole.  One major challenge in this industry is point of view.  The book says that everyone has a point of view and they both reveal and conceal.  I believe that this means that some people are set ing their ways and it is hard to make them change their mind and try new things.  Although, the book also says that if you are too openminded and approach things with a clean slate, it can be hard to accomplish anything because you don’t have any focus.  Another challenge in the industry is when you have to use focus groups. Focus groups are needed because the design that the designer is making is ultimately going to be used by people so they have to know how people will respond to the design.  In focus groups,  conversation is key in sharing individuals opinions and getting points across, but if there is too big of a difference in personalities in a focus group, the whole thing can be compromised.

As stated at the beginning, Interaction design is a creative process focused on people, but what does that really mean?  During this process interaction designers try to construct a visualization between people and what they are creating. one goal in interaction design is to assist people through a path as they used the product.   Interaction design is evolving just like our world is evolving.  With new technologies being produced rapidly,  interaction designers change their works to go along with that.  Interaction designers use data and information  to understand digital-spactial relations in a complicated system.  Interaction designers use the fields of Information technology and  Knowledge management.  these two fieldS analyze the path that users take to take data to information to knowledge and lastly to wisdom.