Garden Glory

Rule Book

Objective of the Game

Grow the most valuable garden by cultivating various plants and herbs throughout the seasons. Score points by selling your harvests, completing bundles, and utilizing seasonal advantages.

Required Materials

  • 4 Planter Boxes (player boards)
  • 1 Season Tracker Board
  • 12 Plant Cards per season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
  • 10 Bundle Cards
  • 20 Buff Tokens
  • 1 Score Tracker
  • 1 Dice (six-sided)
  • 4 Player Tokens
  • 1 Rule Book


  1. Season Tracker Board: Place it in the center and set it to Spring.
  2. Planter Boxes: Give each player a Planter Box and place it in front of them.
  3. Plant Cards: Shuffle the plant cards for each season separately and place them face down next to the Season Tracker.
  4. Bundle Cards: Shuffle and place these face down near the plant cards.
  5. Buff Tokens: Place these in a common area accessible to all players.
  6. Score Tracker: Place the score tracker where all players can see it.

Player Turn Order

  • Players take turns in clockwise order, starting with the player who most recently planted something.

Starting Resources

Each player starts with:

  • 2 Plant Cards (drawn from the Spring pile)
  • 1 Buff Token
  • 5 points on the Score Tracker

Growth Mechanic

Growth Stages

  • Each plant card has a growth time indicated on it (1 to 3 turns).
    • Example:
      • Basil: 1 turn
      • Mint: 2 turns
      • Tomato: 3 turns

Growth Tracking

  • When you plant a card, place it in your Planter Box and use a marker to indicate it is “growing.”
  • At the start of your turn, check which plants are ready to be harvested based on their growth time.

Player’s Turn Structure

Each player’s turn consists of the following steps:

  1. Draw Phase:
    • Draw 1 Plant Card from the current season’s pile.
  2. Action Phase:
    • Perform two of the following actions:
      1. Plant a Plant Card: Place a card from your hand into your Planter Box. Ensure it’s currently in season.
      2. Sell Plants: Declare and sell any fully grown plants for points.
      3. Purchase Buff Tokens: Spend points to acquire Buff Tokens.
      4. Draw an Additional Plant Card: Draw another card from the current season’s pile.
  3. Buff Usage (Optional):
    • Use Buff Tokens at any appropriate time during your turn, such as when selling or planting.
  4. End of Turn:
    • Your turn ends, and play passes to the next player.

Example of a Player’s Turn

  1. Draw Phase: You draw 1 Plant Card from the Spring pile.
  2. Action Phase:
    • You plant a Mint (2 turns to grow).
    • You sell a Basil (1 turn to grow) for 5 points, using a Harvest Boost for an additional 2 points, totaling 7 points.
  3. Buff Purchase: You buy an Out-of-Season Planting Buff for 3 points, leaving you with 2 points.
  4. End of Turn: Your turn ends, and the next player takes their turn.

Buff Tokens

Types of Buffs

  1. Harvest Boost: Adds +2 points when selling plants.
  2. Plant Swap: Swap one Plant Card from your hand with another player’s Plant Card.
  3. Out-of-Season Planting: Plant one card that’s not currently in season.
  4. Extra Draw: Draw an additional Plant Card from the current season’s pile.

Acquiring Buff Tokens

  • Buff Tokens can be purchased during your turn using points (3 points each).

Harvesting Plants

  • At the start of your turn, check your Growth Tracker:
    • If a plant has completed its growth time, it can be harvested for points.
    • If it hasn’t matured, it remains in the growing state.

End of Turn/Round

  • After all players have taken their turns, advance the Season Tracker one step.
  • When a season ends, all players discard their hand and draw new Plant Cards from the next season’s pile.

Winning and Losing

The game ends after all four seasons have been completed.

  • The player with the most points wins.

Visual Examples

Additional Details

Plant Cards

  • Each card displays a plant name, growth time, and points for harvesting.

Bundle Cards

  • Show the types of plants needed for completion, offering bonus points when fulfilled.

Final Note

Manage your time and resources wisely! The key to victory is strategic planting, careful use of Buffs, and timing your harvests. Enjoy growing your garden in Garden Glory

3 Replies to “Garden Glory”

  1. As someone who also came up with a garden idea, I love this!! I love your growing and season mechanics. I’m curious about how players would keep track of how many turns their plants have been growing for so they don’t forget…

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