5 Game Ideas- Social Distancing

Target Ball

Players wear vest with led targets, team members must hit opposing team members targets with soft tennis balls/foam balls. When all targets are hit you are out. The team with the last player standing wins. Can be a group game or individual.

Parachute Toss

People pair off into teams and take turns using a parachute to launch a ball into various baskets. Each basket is worth a different amount. First team to reach a certain score wins.

My Spot

Flat target with various divots is placed in the center of all players. As the start signal all players must roll balls simultaneously and try to get their balls to stay within the holes. The holes are shallow enough where players have the ability to knock other people out. Round of play lasts a certain amount of time and the person with the most points wins.


Players must stay away from the infected. Players are given some time to hide and the zombie must find them. All players wear a band on their wrist. The band notifies hiders when a zombie is nearby(6ft). If a player and zombie make eye contact while the band is going off then the hider is now infected and becomes a zombie as well. Game ends when time is up or all hiders are found.


Players take turns. On the table there are various items. In the center of the table is a machine/sleeping character. Players draw cards that say various different tasks they must complete. Players are given a certain amount of time and must complete as many tasks as possible without going over the sound limit of the machine. The person who completes the most tasks wins.

4 Replies to “5 Game Ideas- Social Distancing”

  1. Tasia, I really like your Zombie idea. I think the eye contact mechanic is a good touch in addition to the use of the wrist bands. This kind of game could be very popular to play around Halloween.

  2. I love the idea of the Shhh game. I think it would be a lot of fun because I know when my friends and I are playing a game, we tend to get super loud. I think it would be fun to see how long it would be until we went over the sound limit. The second game that I really liked looking at was Zombie. It kind of reminds me of how I used to play capture the flag. I think it would be a fun and more interesting game because of the band that they have on their wrists. Great ideas Tasia!

  3. The Shhh game sounds really interesting. Task based games like that tend to be easy to pick up for most people and are usually fun. Having to complete said tasks with out being to loud could be really interesting.

  4. I really like the Shhh game. I think that it’s very interesting and that it would be fun to play. I also like how it makes you think things through in a certain amount of time to make it more of a competition. These are really good ideas!

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