5 building ideas

1.Build you boat
-Objective: to shuttle as many people you can across the moat, passed the alligators and ogres living in
 the swamp.
-Concept: You acquire money/ and or supplies to build extensions on to your boat. The bigger the boat, the more people that you can safely get into the castle before the war breaks out. You can cross the moat as little or as many times as you’d like, but it is full of uncertainty and does not guarantee safe passage.
-Twister, the longer your boat gets, the bigger the moat gets/gets filled with unwanted creatures.
-Choose wisely-you cannot save everyone.
  1. Treasure hunt
-you have a starting point and an end point. You build the your pathways towards the finish spot (lets say treasure “x marks the spot” for example). You and your opponents are both trying to get to the treasure before the others so it is a matter of if you build upon your own path, or target your opponents. If your path intersects with another player’s on your turn you can choose to set them off course. These actions will include fight outbreaks, hurricanes/storms, raiding supplies, etc. Or the actions can take the form of rules such as only left turns, or other interactions within the game.
  1. Up a hill both ways
-You are an elderly man, reminiscing about your younger years. Where you worked your way through college and never took on any debt, never used a cell phone and knew what responsibility was all about . You are sitting with your grandchildren who are complaining about not being privileged enough and you are outraged. You begin telling them how hard your life was, specifically your walk to school, which took you 3 hours through a farm, in the snow, with holes in your shoes and…up a hill both ways. What if your trek to school really was this difficult?
In, “up a hill both ways” you are in charge of your journey and your destiny. You can build the board and your path with different tiles, horizontally along the board or even vertically. The harder the journey, the better the story-but remember you aren’t as nimble as your 10 year old self, so be weary and make it home on time for dinner.
  1. Wild Goose Chase
-Based off of/inspired by Bamboo. You have a goose figurine who continuously is on the move…by whoever’s turn it is not. Therefore this is a game of luck. The board will continuously grow and the goose will gain more and more land to run off too. You can prevent and direct his path by building fences or cutting down the trees so that you can see him better. You can also opt to ask the goose moover for a hint on which direction you can take—the catch is that they are allowed to lie to you a certain amount of times.
-Objective: to find the wild goose and land on the same space to “capture it”
  1. Egyptian themed
-Objective: building of the pyramids
-You have so many laborers and materials to show that your nation is superior.
-The building of a pyramid is a process, you must mine and get your materials and acquire each block of stone. This is a very process oriented game and you must build your pyramid before your opponent to show superiority.