2/24 game ideas – Emily Buzzie

A board game where players try to collect the most tokens while getting across the board, while having to buy items to get across the board with.

Players will start at one spot and then travel across the board. Players will choose where they want to go within different checkpoints, trying to collect tokens. At checkpoints, players will have to buy certain items, varying in cost, to get across the obstacle. An example would be getting across a river, you can buy a bridge (5 tokens), a raft (3 tokens), a branch (1 token). Depending on what they buy they will either cross safely and lose more tokens or may fail but have more tokens. The goal is to finish with the most tokens. 

A board game where players go to caves and dig for gems, trying to collect one of each gem.

Each player will start outside the mine and must roll the dice and move into the caves. Once a player is in the cave, the player can mine for a gem. The player must roll one dice and get a 4-6, a 1-3 means the player’s axe is not strong enough to cut through this rock. A 4-6 allows the  player to pick from the card pile for this certain cave (broken up by color). The player picks a card and it either has a gem or a rock card. With a gem, the player keeps it and collects it, trying to collect one of each color. There are 4 different caves (red, yellow, green, and blue). If you get a 1-3 in a cave and can’t mine for a gem, go to a different cave, and go back to that cave last. The goal is to be the first person who has all 4 gems. 

A card game where players try to find matches of cards to complete and collect goal cards. 

A card game where players try to collect goal cards. Players will get 7 cards, and always have 7 cards in their hand. During a players turn, they can discard a card, pick up a card, or get the goal card. The goal card has different pairings of cards and you want to get the pair and collect the goal card. Every card is different so getting a match is mostly luck. Players continue to collect goal cards and whoever has the most when the goal cards run out, wins!

A card game where players use ingredient cards to collect dishes and win the cook off!

A card game where players get ingredient cards to form ‘dishes’ which are then paired up to present to the judges for the cook off. Players will pick ingredient cards to collect dishes. Ingredient cards pair up to form certain dishes, which are worth different points. Players want to collect higher dishes and ultimately win the cook off. Once players have 3 dishes (3 ingredients = 1 dish, 3 dishes to go to the cook off) they will be judged (points from dishes cards are added up). Whoever has the highest points, wins. 

A board game where players collect smile tokens depending on different situations.

Players will move across the board while running to different scenarios. The scenario will either result in gaining smile tokens or losing some. The player will land on certain spots and have to pick a card with a scenario on it. An example on the card would be: got a puppy! Obviously this is a happy thing, so the player will gain a smile token. Players want to end the game the happiest and with the most smile tokens.