week 3 questions

dumb ways to die

dumb ways to die is a game about how to save people from making dumb decisions. the game is fast paced and in a more simple art style. the game is supposed to show you how simple things can keep you safe. the game works well in the thing it is trying to promote and show awareness about.

fake it to make it

fake it to make it is all about showing people how easy it is to make and promote fake headlines an media. it also teaches how to make fake media, but it makes it very clear that it is not a good thing. it is just to show awareness.

cast your vote

cast your vote shows how bad it can be to vote just to vote. it shows that it is a good idea to do research and be an informed voter, but it also shows how it can be easy to be influenced by the media.


gris is an amazing game about grief. it shows how slow the recovery can be and how its better to take it slow an even small accomplishments can be a big step in the healing process. beautiful graphics that help you feel what the character feels without any dialogue.


  1. a game where we play as an animal and have to live life as that animal and help to keep this animals kin alive. their is not many things you can do with your character but explore and hunt or graze to keep your animal alive. these aspects of the game will get harder as the game progresses and the environment starts to change. it will start as weather conditions and get into habitat loss and hunters encroaching into your territory.
  2. a mini games based game where you will play simple min games as a character with memory loss and each mini game completed it will bring back fragments of their past, slowly showing their life they forgot and the traumas that have lead them to this state of amnesia.
  3. you are a CEO that has to make many decisions for their company but as the game progresses you get visions of what your decisions are doing to the people it affects, employees, customers, coworkers. you can chose to make better decisions to help people and make a difference or keep going the direction you are going because they are making you money.
  4. a game where the main character is neurodivergent. in the game you have to go about your normal day and make decisions for what to do in certain scenarios, dealing with social exhaustion, sensory overload, executive dysfunction, and other struggles and experiencing how making certain decisions can either be beneficial for your health or can harm it. the game will have a bar that shows how much energy they have that day and how much energy you have is dependent on what you have done in previous days and you can go over the allotted amount with detrimental consequences. during your play thought their will be cut scene where you hear some of the common things people with these problems are told by people how don’t understand or have the same problems they do. and their is nothing you can really do to stop from getting these cutscenes.
  5. similar to my last idea but having the character play mini games during decisions and playing the mini games in a completionism fashion can lead to the burnout of energy but some mini games are more important and need more energy to complete so you need to pick and chose what mini games you just try and complete with the bare minimum and what games you can perfectionist. how you play these games will also give achievements that give the mentality that neuro typical people try and give to neurodivergent people. the game is meant to make you frustrated with the fact you aren’t able to really do any more then you are doing.

week 2 questions


monopoly was a very fun concept. playing with the rules of different demographics like women and minorities really show how the world can be. of course it is not a one to one reconstruction of society but it still shows how different it is to live in todays society. having the white male be playing the game normally was really interesting.

McDonalds game

i loved how hard the game was and how much you need to pay attention really well. it really highlight how the business is run. the game play also forces you to make bad and unethical decisions like bribing politicians and health scientists. having it be almost impossible to do it ethically also helps highlight how corrupt the business is. the simplistic style is also a fun contrast to the game play and the message.

Chex Quest

i played Chex quest and as i played it it had nothing to do with Chex mix besides the characters being the different snacks in the mixes. the monsters rely had nothing to do with it and the weapon was a spoon and who eats Chex mix with a spoon. if it was cereal the spoon would make since. the game itself was kind of fun, it was pretty simplistic but their wasn’t a tutorial to tell me how to use the weapons or change weapons or how to open doors.

game ideas

  1. the campaign trail – in this game you are a political running for and office. you pick who you are based on a bunch or random character cards, some have special bonuses and cons to them. you each start out with a certain amount of voters and spaces on the board can give you more voters. you will roll a 3 die and move that many place, some spots have bad outcomes. bad means a scandal came out about you and you will love voters or your opponent made a smear add about you and they take some of your voters. some spots will give you a chance to gain a monetary supporter and this lets you make more adds to give you multipliers to your voter gain each spot. you want the most voters by the end of the game.
  2. echo chamber – Players start in a digital world where they are trapped inside an “Echo Chamber”—a metaphorical maze filled with distorted news, bias reinforcements, and cognitive dissonance puzzles. To escape, they must engage in debates with NPCs representing different viewpoints, critically analyze news sources, and identify misinformation.
  3. the butterfly effect – Players make choices that impact the climate, economy, and society over multiple generations. The catch? They only see the long-term effects of their actions decades later. By playing through different scenarios—such as investing in green energy or ignoring climate policies—players witness how small decisions lead to massive societal shifts.
  4. detox island – Players are stranded on an island with a nearly dead phone. They must decide whether to use its last battery for comfort (entertainment, messages) or survival (flashlight, emergency calls). The more they rely on it, the harder the game gets—losing awareness of their surroundings, getting lost, and missing crucial survival tools.
  5. mirror heart – Players take on the role of someone navigating a complex relationship with a charming yet toxic partner. As time progresses, the dialogue choices and internal monologue change depending on how much emotional abuse the player tolerates. If they stay too long, their character begins mirroring the toxic behaviors, making it harder to recognize reality.

reading questions

  1. what advergames have you played? did they influence a purchase? I have never really played an advert game myself but the ones i have seen have never made me want to buy the product, if anything it has made me just laugh at the stupidity of the game.
  2. why do the advergames tooth protector and escape work? What makes chase the chuckwagon and shark bait fail? tooth protector and escape show a cause and effect, they aren’t just a game, they really show how their products can be used and how they work in real life. they make sense for the product and how people would realistically come in contact with them.
  3. what does Volvo’s drive for life accomplish?  this game accomplishes a way to show a real reason that safety features are important and how hey actually work. it also shows a more real life mundane aspect of driving and not the over the top depictions in other games about driving.
  4. what company used in-advergame advertising  stow and go challenge
  5. what was one if the first home-console advergames and what beverage was it for?  the Kool-Aid man on the Atari for the Kool aid beverage.

class one questions and assignments

Getting over it

i have seen many people play getting over it and have gotten the feeling of second hand annoyance and anger with the narrator and finicky game mechanics. Its a fun way to frame and test peoples patience. i personally don’t think i will ever play this game.

Game ideas

  1. you have an egg and you just sit and rub it so it stays warm. once you hit a randomized amount of rubes or time of rubbing you can get a random chicken or a dinosaur, or any animal that hatches out of eggs then you can feed the animals.
  2. flipping a coin and then you get a coin after every flip.
  3. use augmented reality so you can collect the objects and people and other things around you and you get points for getting things.
  4. just having a drop of water on a table and you can move it around and also add water with rain or other things and take it away as well.
  5. the indominable human spirit – have an AI come up with ways to to end the human race or just kill the player and you the player have to come up with ways to survive as the AI keeps trying to kill you.


  1. Ian brought a lot of the time wasting and reframing of skill to mindless play to even having more of an incentive to pay money to get out of having to play the game. in cow clicker you aren’t really playing in the way most people think about playing a game. it takes no skill at all to click on the screen or a mouse to make things happen its like sitting and refreshing your email in hopes to see something new.
  2. making games like Farmville rely on friends speed up process and progress makes friends less of fiends and more of a resource. when you have more friends you can get things from them and the game awards you to have as many “friends” as you can.
  3. compulsion is the biggest reason why social gams can erode your time away from the game. the time it takes in between things can get in your head and cause you to focused more on when the next time you need to click or collect or feed something you cant think of other things. you will sit and get on an off the game hoping to the thing the timer is counting down to is done.

fruit salad makers notes

What questions did your players have?

they didn’t have many, really only how you can make your salads with the different colors. also when you can use the action cards and what exactly you do.

How quickly did they learn how to play?

each section took like 5 minutes to learn so they learned pretty fast.

What kinds of interactions did the players have?

using the action cards and building their salads.

What confused the players?

how to build salads. if you can mix salads colors and how certain cards behave in salads

What made players excited?

the action cards.

What did your players enjoy doing?

stealing peoples cards.

Did any aspect of the game frustrate players?

grasping the build phase.

rotten to the core review

What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
I wasn’t really frustrated by anything in the game, for e it ran smoothly and was very fun.

What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
i loved to spin the spinner and the beautiful art was nice to look at.

Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
their isn’t anything that i feel i wanted to do different or wanted to do that i couldn’t.

If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
i don’t think their is anything that needs added, a fun thing could be somethings that can make you skip a turn meaning your not able to pick any cards or move at all.

What should be improved with the next version?
maybe more events, not cards just more different occurrences.

Describe the game in 3 words?
cute, grim, demure.

colins texting game review

What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
i wasn’t frustrated, only by typing slowly lol.

What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
being able to use my phone so i was at least a little familiar with my keyboard layout.

Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
no their wasn’t all the rules and safeguards were perfect.

If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
i wouldn’t want to change anything.

What should be improved with the next version?

Describe the game in 3 words?
silly, quick, fun.

player questions for troll riddle run, rotten to the core, and Gideons game(forgot the name)

troll riddle run

  1. The most frustrating part was getting three riddles right in a row at the end.
  2. I had a lot of fun telling the others riddles.
  3. I don’t think we should have to guess a riddle right to start the game.
  4. If i had a magic wand to change something in this gam( which i do lol) i would make it so you can just start rolling and you don’t have to answer a riddle to start you first turn.
  5. the riddle at the start.
  6. troll, riddles, fun.

rotten to the core

  1. The most frustrating part of this game was the investigation cards, and the spinner not working like it was intended to.
  2. The art was really cute, and the game itself when at a pretty steady pace.
  3. I wish i had better luck but other than that no.
  4. If i had a magic wand id make their be more ways to sabotage other players.
  5. Make a better spinner.
  6. cutesy, mindful, demure.

Gideons game

  1. the most frustrating aspect was it wasn’t entirely finished, some parts were missing and the cards didn’t reflect what was in the rules.
  2. the chaos of the cards because some were overpowered if you were just playing with the cards and weren’t looking at the rules for every card description.
  3. stock pile good cards, but it is a fun concept to get a new hand every turn.
  4. if i had a magic wand i would finish the game.
  5. making the card descriptions match what was in the rules.
  6. grenade, rocket launcher, chaos.

trolls riddle run makers notes

  1. the players didn’t have any questions they understanded it very easily.
  2. it only took them a turn or 2 to understand the rules.
  3. telling the riddles to each other.
  4. the riddles confused players.
  5. the riddles made players excited.
  6. the riddles were enjoyable.
  7. the riddles frustrated them..

conners game, boats builder review

1. the pieces wouldn’t stay on the small little matt to build the boat.

2. the speed aspect was a lot of fun.

3. their wasn’t really anything that i wanted to do.

4. larger matt and a way for things to stay on that board a little better without rolling would be

5. nothing need changed, its perfect.

6. wood, boat, build.

game reviews

anansi’s web of tricks

  1. the rules not being on the cards and having to look in the rules over and over again.
  2. it was like uno
  3. no
  4. no
  5. more cards, suits
  6. cultural, fun, trickster

word relay

  1. nothing was very frustrating.
  2. the fast pace.
  3. no
  4. more ways to get points to make it more even points wise.
  5. more points
  6. fast, fun, intuitive

dillon’s game

  1. knowing how to start and how the damage parts work
  2. i don’t think i had a favorite moment , maybe going into the negatives of stats for fun.
  3. no
  4. have more points possible for skills and have more health.
  5. how the damage system works.
  6. challenging, dnd, interesting

slime wars game makers play test notes

  1. the advantages ? other than that the first time i played tested they had literally every question about how to start because i forgot to add integral parts in the rules.
  2. for how the first group played like 30 minutes for how they ended up playing, for the second group like 15 minutes maybe, and the third time like 15 as well.
  3. they tried to trade and also found loop holes that were really stupid. they also liked to attack a lot especially in the first group.
  4. how to start with the first group and their weren’t many confusions with the rest of the groups.
  5. grouping up on people.
  6. loop holes, and forming alliances, building up aries.
  7. blurry cards, and how to start.

shark frenzy review

  1. he barley had any rules and for some reason it was in a poem format.
  2. winning was my favorite part
  3. have more things happen with my cards
  4. i wouldn’t change any thing.
  5. more cards, and a more competitive aspect like random action cards that can be used.
  6. fish, card, cool

garden sabotage test

  1. nothing frustrated me, only my luck in pulling cards. also not getting to finish the game.
  2. getting to have as many cards in my hand as i wanted.
  3. no.
  4. maybe adding more of certain flowers, i know the point s for some cards to be more rare to get more points but i was struggling to get the cards i needed.
  5. only having a way to get rid of cards in your hand, cues the no hand limit is fun but at some point i think you would start running out of cards.
  6. pretty, strategic, creative.

academic integrity test

  1. i wasn’t frustrated at all everything made sense and was straight forward.
  2. getting to give people cards that are comedic with the prompt.
  3. no.
  4. no.
  5. nothing really needed improved.
  6. artistic, comedic, fun.

jam sesh test

  1. mostly it was the people, the game itself wasn’t ever frustrating, well maybe the amount of times we all rolled 12s.
  2. my favorite part was getting to make the songs and hear everyone’s peices.
  3. no, nothing felt like it needed to b added.
  4. maybe trading cards with others or being able to chose the key of your piece, but that would get very technical. also making it more competitive in a way, i know games don’t need to be competitive but it makes it more fun for me.
  5. having more cards.
  6. creative, simple, musical.