ARTM3720 Game Design Studio 2: Schedule

1.23 Week 1 Motivation

1.30 Week 2 Persuade

  • Discuss:
  • Play:
  • In Class Pitch – one of your endless game ideas (wrinkle – now make it a persuasive game)
  • Homework:
    • generate 5 new game ideas that explore changing players minds about … (climate change, energy, politics, etc.)
    • Post thoughts on what we played in class
  • Read: Advergames from Bogost, Ian. Persuasive Games: The expressive power of videogames
    • what advergames have you played? did they influence a purchase?
    • why do the advergames tooth protector and escape work? What makes chase the chuckwagon and shark bait fail?
    • what does volvo’s drive for life accomplish? 
    • what company used in-advergame advertising 
    • what was one if the first home-console advergames and what beverage was it for? 
    • what makes the toilet training game sophisticated and do you agree?
    • what do advergames and anti-advergames have in common, and what principles do they share?

2.6 Week 3 Games for Change

2.13 Week 4 Serious Games

2.20 Week 5 Simulation

2.27 Week 6 Post Podcasts

3.13 Week 7 Prototype Game 2

3.20 Week 8 Playtest Game 2

3.27 Week 9 Refine Game 2

4.3 Week 10 Playtest Game 2

4.10 Week 11 Prototype Game 3

4.17 Week 12 Playtest Game 3

4.24 Week 13 Refine Game 3

5.1 Week 14 Playtest Game 3

Final Play Test of fully developed game

5.8 Week 15 Final Presentations between 8:00 to 10:00am

Final Play Test of fully developed game