Dane Moore
Response to Chapter 6
I agree with most of what the chapter had to say on how interaction designers must be careful that they put the usability design aspect and all of the attributes concerned with such, and with how the average person (who is not oneself) commonly interacts/would interact with an object first before artistic design. While a product can be aesthetically pleasing and should be, it is of no use if the user does not find the design to be usable, is awkward, or is too complicated to understand. All initial efforts should be to making the product to be easily usable so that the user will want to hold on to the product and become attached to it for technical reasons, which will last longer than mere emotions, which are temporary.
This is not to say that the product can also be aesthetically pleasing, as a product can also have the desirable attribute of looking good along with usability. Still, however, in interaction design, artistic design is subject to usability. This is true with the smart phones; smart phones are compact, light-weight, and has wireless capabilities. With the usability and easy access attributes meet, the artistic look of the smart phone can now be explored. Since the smart phone is slim, it can have a flowing metallic look, even with the appearance of a texture.
Elements of User Experience Questions
- The objectives of the website are to advertise and sell Apple’s products, and to educate and help the customers, both potential, first-time, and long-time users. MacBook users can go to the Mac tab and find out some basic uses of the MacBook, or they can go to the Support page and ask a specific question about their MacBook or scroll through FAQ’s for the computer.
The functional specifications of the Facebook wall include the site showing a current holiday or sport event in which the user has liked or followed, posts from the user’s friends that have been made within the past 24 hours, and advertisements from businesses or subjects in which the user likes or follows or from the user’s friends who like or follow them.
The four architectural approaches to information structure are hierarchical (tree-shaped; nodes have parent/child relationships with other related nodes), matrix (move from node to node along two or more dimensions), organic (no consistent pattern, nodes connected on case-by-case basis, no sections), and sequential (one by one nodes, individual articles or sections). An example of each can be Facebook, Amazon, vintagehope.co.uk, and Pizza Hut, respectively.
The Huffington Post is mostly content that navigates to articles which can be confusing to tell the difference. Google is all navigation, leading to the website in which the user is looking for. Wikipedia is really half and half, since half of the content has links to navigate to another Wiki article. Finally, Etsy is at least 2/3 navigation, with most images being links as well.
The home page focuses on the white bold text stating their mission on top of a yellow-hued image. When scrolling, the text and hue fade to the original color of the image, and more scrolling transitions to another image before finally scrolling through different articles of brands Landor has helped. The article links and their images glide up as you scroll, keeping attention on the boxes and their titles, whether they’re white on yellow or black on white.
Chapter 6 Response
I agree a lot with Jon Kolko’s ideas during this chapter. One idea is that Interaction Design is the “design of behavior, can contribute to, shift and shape, and even help to control the normative frames that describe cultural change.” I believe that, as designers, we need to continue to develop and modify culture around us, and hopefully for the better. Usability definitely plays a role in shaping culture. When designers create successful new technology, society believes that everything should operate in the same fashion. For example, take the story about Professor Ames’ daughter thinking that a magazine should operate like a tablet/phone. She is perfect example as to what society has evolved into, and that it takes time for users to adapt to different operations. Another idea that Kolko brings up is invisible manifestation. As this is intriguing, and may help recent graduated students entering the job market by not having a potential job ruined by parting pictures/videos, it can definitely be dangerous. This anonymity can foster hate, violence, and other societal taboos. But, on the plus side, it may give people the freedom to be themselves. Technology advances rapidly, and the delay between when it is finished and the availability in the marketplace can be a hinderance. One issue I find with society, due to technology advancements, is that there is a lack of communication. I would rather talk to someone on the phone or in face, but there are many people who can text someone all day, but put in a social environment cannot talk to others. Technology has made it a lot easier for physical communication to phase out. I really liked the point in the Discursive Design about designing a product it’s goal is for organic communication. As my opinions of technology is that it is helpful and useful, I hate it as much as I love it. One idea that I did not normally think about is that technology can be empowering, which Kolko even stated that it is not a common view. I admire Kolko for stating that Interactive Designers need to “advocate for humanity at all levels.” As I am happy blaming technology for societal problems of lack of communication, it is not entirely technology’s fault. Society let it happen, because it is easier. As much as designers need to try and incorporate social interactions in designs, society needs to be open to communicating with personal interactions again.
Chapters 3, 4, and 5
1. Ethnographic tools are used to determine how users experience a product and what can be improved upon. In the case of an online banking website, these tools could be used you can keep track of what features users are interacting with the most and which features they are having the most trouble with. It could also be used to predict some features that users might be looking for but don’t currently exist on the site.
2. In a way the design process is never truly done. It can always be improved upon with aspects being added or removed. However, a design process can be considered done once it is able to serve a user and offer a purposeful experience. Upon reaching that stage it can be sold and marketed.
3. A product family I use every day is drinks. I’ll usually reach for a water or a tea, but I will drink Gatorade if I am exercising or playing a sport. It has been branded as a drink to be consumed before, during, or after physical activity and I associate it with that type of experience.
Objectified Response
I agreed with pretty much everything the designers in “Objectified” had to say. They’ve spent their whole lives working in the design field so they are able to speak from experience and give a much better idea of what their lifestyle is actually like.
A few things stood out to me that changed how I thought about design. First of all, I never really thought about how almost everything I interact with on a daily basis went through a design process of some sort. Certain objects go through a more rigorous and thoughtful process, but even the most basic items had to be designed by someone at some point. Another thing that stood out to me was the idea of designing objects for “wearing in over wearing out.” The concept of creating items that improve over time and give the user more of an experience the longer they own it is intriguing. I don’t think this applies to everything though. Smartphones are incredibly difficult to design for “wearing in”. The technology is changing so fast, and unless you can constantly take the phone apart and continuously upgrade it on pace with the advances of technology you’re stuck buying a new device every few years to stay relevant.
Before watching the documentary I defined design as the “creation and construction of objects.” My definition after watching hasn’t changed that much but I think that there is more to it than simply coming up with an idea for something and making it. There is thought, observations, and testing that all factor into the creation of something.
Objectified Response
Ricky Petticord
Designing for New Media
Objectified Response
I found Hustwit’s film to be very compelling, as many of the statements and stories from designers across the globe resonated with my thoughts on design and how designers think. Dieter Rams’ points that “good design is innovative design, good design should make a product useful, good design is aesthetic design, good design is unobtrusive, good design is consistent, and good design is as little design as possible” echo my own thoughts on design in how I observe and purchase products, and how I conceive my own ideas.
The points towards the end of the film about designing sustainably piqued my interest because that is not something I typically think about when I think about design. This film brought a lot of things full circle in regards to assessing product the life cycle and sustainable practices in the business world, and how impeccable design can impact the consumer’s longevity assessment of a product.
I would define design as the art of assessing what people want to see, want to use, and the process of creating it. To me, design is materializing something that does not exist by harnessing creative energy and turning it into something functional that serves a purpose. I feel as though these thoughts fall in line with those of Marc Newson’s in the film; designers should always be designing for the future. I do not think that my definition of design has changed since watching the film; I feel that Objectified solidified my ideas and gave me a perspective of how to grow and implement them into my work as I move forward in my career.
Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 3, 4 & 5
What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website?
Ethnographic tools can be used to improve the interactivity of an online banking website by providing the designer with information on things such as frequency of use, communication, and usability. If transaction history is buried deep within the site, but is the most used tool, ethnographic analysis could result in an updated layout featuring transaction history on the home page. These tools can also be used to determine if a new mobile deposit function is not communicating clearly to the customer, confusing them and minimizing the effectiveness of the product.
At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose?
A design is finished when it creates a functional dialogue between a product, system, or service and a person. A successful design enhances the human experience, solves complicated problems, and resonates with an audience to create the highest value of a product for the user. A design’s purpose is to be interactive, desirable, and ultimately, user centered.
Identify a product family you use regularly. How has its branding effected your use, relationship, and experience with the product?
A product family I use regularly is EarthQuaker Devices, a guitar effect pedal company. I was first attracted to their pedals by visual aesthetic, and upon hearing an aural sample they perfectly matched with the functional features of device. EQD’s website is clean and easy to navigate, and unlike many other pedal companies, they create demo videos in house for each of their products upon release. Rather than sift through youtube watching self-indulgent guitar players “demo” a pedal, I know that I can rely on Earthquaker to create a visually pleasing, un-narrated video showcasing all of the pedal’s features the way I would if I was in a store. An EQD pedal’s knobs, jacks, and switches are laid out in an intuitive manner, creating modularity between their products and strengthening brand relationship. The company also stocks their pedals with small independent dealers, echoing their in-house demo philosophy and catering to users who avoid big-box stores such as Guitar Center.
Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 1 & 2
What makes up interaction design and what are some of the industry’s challenges?
Interaction Design is made up of constructing a compelling argument and inviting the audience to experience the work; the creation of a dialogue between a person and a product, service, or system. Interaction Designers can be Usability Engineers, Visual Interface Designers, and Information Engineers. However, developing systems and interfaces does not make one an Interaction Designer. Interaction Designers need to be shapers of behavior who’s greatest challenge is to change the way that people behave through elegant and compelling design. While Interaction Designers were previously looked at as the “final step” in the surface level design of an engineering project, the field has taken on a new role in shaping the what, how, and why of industry.
What is Interaction Design, how is it evolving? What fields does it draw knowledge from?
Interaction design is defined in the text as “the creation of a meaningful relationship between a product and a person, identified and created through ethnographic and other user centered design methods.” Interaction Designers differentiate product offerings by working to make them physically beautiful and emotionally compelling. Interaction Design draws from and builds upon several disciplines; Industrial Design and Usability Engineering primarily influence the field, but an understanding of cognitive psychology, web design, art, business and more all play a heavy role. As more and more Industrial Design and Usability Engineering jobs are being outsourced, the role of the Interaction Designer is becoming exceedingly important. Successful Interaction Design has become a strategic differentiator for businesses looking to elevate their products to a new level, and these designers will be best equipped to take on project management based on skills in culture, creativity, and relationships.
reading 3, 4, 5
- Ethnographic tools can be utilized by an online banking website to show the growth in interest in an account, where your money is going, and the cores in your account(s). A flow chart would help the account holder see where their money is moving and what it is going towards, which could then help that person save money and be more aware of what they are spending.
- In the text, it says design is an argument, “the argument has a subtle, nearly invisible, immediate effect on the audience.” Once that is achieved, and the design communicates clearly, it could be considered finished.
- A family of products I use very often would be Jeffree Star cosmetics makeup. This piece about integrity made me think of his brand: “integrity to materials requires a sense of respect for both the natural world and the human-made world.” This stuck out to me because he has made all of his makeup vegan, which is respect to the natural world, while also adapting to the makeup crazed culture of today. The cosmetic company is heavily branded with bright pink packaging, and very innovative colors in the makeup world. Jeffree Star, the owner, has really encompassed his brand by being very unique, very pink, and always experimenting with different colors in his own makeup. The branding by the packing and by Jeffree himself has led me to use makeup differently and more creatively.
Tori Flick
Designing For New Media
It is astonishing to think that from the moment you wake up, almost everything you interact with within your day has been designed, and has been designed specifically for a purpose. Even things you wouldn’t think to have any sort of relevance or significance such as a post-it note, someone designed a post-it note with a specific function in mind.
One thing one of the designers said that I did not 100% agree with was that no concerns for an individual person are to be taken. Details surrounded who they are were not to be accounted for, but instead the “extremes” must be taken into consideration and those extremes, whether it be something like slow and fast, those are the details that matter; everything in the middle are not as significant.
One of the designers spoke of the goal to redesign tools and objects to better fit the needs and functions of everyone, looking at things such as garden shears or even pliers and measuring how they feel and if there are any small details to improve upon. The goal is to redesign things, with people not always realizing that it has been redesigned for a specific reason. This surprised me in a good way, because out of all of the things I interact with daily I never stop to think about how it was intentionally crafted to meet a certain need or purpose.
A key point I was highly in agreeance with emphasized the importance of recognizing and noticing a product for its attributes and form, so that the inevitable design of the product makes sense, and is not just shapes and things, but instead, in a way seems undesigned because of how natural the form seems.
Another thing to consider in design is that not everything lasts forever, so what will become of your designed object once it has served its purpose and no longer functions to standard? Some products may be made with environmentally-friendly and biodegradable materials, whereas some products may have been built to last and will not be capable of doing the same. This must also be considered by the designer.
Design is comprehensibly just a search for form. The form of how something should look to still achieve the same effect and functionality needs to be understood fully and processed. Design cannot exist without a form of some sort being taken, so the priority then becomes what is the most sensible and constructive form to take? It depends object to object what form is necessary, and what form will work for everyone, not just the medium margin. If a handle of something is designed too thin and someone suffering from arthritis can’t use the handle, then a redesign must take place to include that “group” as well. Design is all inclusive, and specifically a practice to make the lives of everyone a little easier, even if the users themselves are unaware.
Chapters 3, 4, & 5
Ethnographic tools give developers guidelines for improving their technology and service. For example on an online banking website, ethnographic tools will observe the details and maintenance of their site, providing thorough analysis of any problem areas as well as an areas that in general could use improvement, just so that a user has a seamless experience trying to use their online banking.
Design is meant to be desirable and beautiful and elegant and appropriate. Almost everything we interact with in our day to day lives is the product of design. A design is never complete until the needs of both form and function are met. An object should meet its purpose, (eg: A chair should hold the weight of a sitting person) while simultaneously making the object easy and comfortable to use while looking aesthetically appealing.
My favorite cereal being Lucky Charms, I can only eat it at certain times or when I’m in the right mood because Lucky Charms has been branded as a fun and enjoyable cereal to eat for kids specifically that are “magically delicious.” By associating the cereal with fun, I tend to want to eat Lucky Charms if I am not quite in a good mood, with the goal that the cereal will cheer me up.
Thoughts on Interaction Design Ch.s 1&2 Response_DaneMoore
Interaction design is concerned with the observation of human behavior in every day life. Specifically, it is concerned in how people use the objects around them, and analyzing how people respond to what an object does. Using these observations, the interaction designer is to analyze how that object can be improved upon so that the user can easily understand how to use that object, and how that object can be more easily used in a higher degree.
Interaction design itself is the constant improvement of how an object can be used and better understood to users. This has led interaction design to make use of psycho-analysis in order to improve existing concepts and even add new attributes to that object to make it more user-friendly. Because of this, interaction designers also become information architects and psycho-social researchers, in that they have to order the information gathered from observing both individuals and society at large.
Chapters 3,4,5
Ethnographic tools can help with relating to users and give a qualitative description of human social condition. In terms of improving the interactivity of an online banking website, ethnographic tools can help to identify different possibilities and instances that a user and the online banking website will share. By predicting these instances, it is easier to prevent issues so that the experience over all is that much more beneficial. While ethnography isn’t so helpful for retail and to try and understand buying habits, it can be helpful for a bank who’s main purpose is to make money transfers, deposits, etc, easy and hassle free to keep the clientele.
Personally I feel that a design is never really finished. There are always improvements and advancements that could potentially be made. However these potential improvements only come with the passing of time and with new discoveries. So although it can technically be limitless you can see that your design is “finished” when it is in its most simple form and can fulfill its function.You can tell when it is a success only through testing it. You must have actual people and users attempt to use and understand your product/design. If they can figure it out with ease and will continue to look at it rather than throw it aside, then it can be measured as a success. It is important to test for comprehensibility to tell if the user fully gets the design. A designs purpose is to solve a problem, whether it be usability, aesthetic, but mainly it revolves around function.
A product family that I use regularly would be Bath and Body Works Shea Butter. Over all it’s branding is a pretty strong name, especially in my age group. While I love the product anyway and have loyalty to it because of it’s quality and amazing scents, it is also a common ground among a majority of girls in high school and college about who owns which kinds. Because it is popular among my demographic it has that much higher of an image and is displayed as that much better verses generic scented lotion.
DaneMoore_Objectified Response
I agree with the designers in that design can be improved upon, and that it must possess certain attributes. Certain attributes that one of the designer’s specificed that I agree with is that good design must be utilitarian, unobstructive, honest, and easy to understand. Some other statements that I agreed with is that graphic design is not fine arts. I myself wasn’t able to discern that until after one of the designers made that distinguishment on camera. Other statements that I agreed with is that design must be created in an appropriate environment where everything works well, is organized well, that elicits us to want to interact with the design, and should also elicit nostalgia in the user/viewer (one of the examples used in the film was “That’s the chair that dad always sat in”).
One other thing that I did not discern too well about design that I learned on the film is that design is something that will be mass-produced, and that new design doesn’t last. Even though I did have a basic understanding of such, I did not think about it as deeply as the film went into both subjects.
Because of this film, my definition of design has actually changed. Originally, I was still thinking about design as in the fine arts sense; design is a composition of harmonizing or disharmonizing elements that represent an idea. Though it does technically hold true even in the graphic design sense, it was still only a sliver of the definition as a whole, and my understanding of design has expanded greatly because of Objectify and the designer’s interviewed. After seeing the film, my new definition for design is the harmonization of elements that allow the user to easy access of the product functions and the ability to have the user learn about the product in a thoughtless manner.
Objectified Response
Most of the designers were of the opinion that design should always have a purpose, regardless of what type of design it is. I agree with this to an extent. I think that some kinds of design should always have a purpose. But I think there are times that it’s okay for design to simply be pretty. Things that are nice to look at but do not otherwise have a purpose are not necessarily pointless. It’s important to people to be exposed to visually appealing things. Sometimes just looking nice is a design’s purpose. Others may disagree with me about this, but whether we all admit it or not, we all enjoy things that look good. Many of the things we do in our everyday lives revolve around this desire for things to look nice. Everything from brushing our hair to cleaning our houses reflects this need for our lives to be visually pleasing.
The way the people in the video talk about design didn’t change the way I think about it too much. To me, design is something that either makes you think or makes you feel something. My opinion hasn’t changed since watching the video, but I do think it has made me aware of more types of design to include in that definition. I am so used to thinking of design as something that happens on screens and on paper, and the video was a nice reminder that design extends to things such as furniture and tools. Purpose is definitely more important in those types of design.
I think design’s level of purpose varies among different types of design.