Pirates vs. Gods Rules (with Aaron)

Set Up

Shuffle each deck separately. Each player will choose either the pirate deck or the god deck.

Card Anatomy


Each player will reveal the first card on top of their deck. Winner is determined by element.

  • A fire (red flame) card will beat an earth (green diamond) card.
  • An earth (green diamond) card will beat an air (white swirls) card.
  • An air (white swirls) card will beat a water (blue droplet) card.
  • A water (blue droplet) card will be a fire (red flame) card.

If two elements are pulled that are not listed above (fire vs. air, water vs. earth), the winner of the round is determined by the higher point value.

If element and point value are the same, draw and reveal a second card.

If you win the round, your card is shuffled back into your deck. If you lose the round, your card is set to the side and removed from play.

If you had to draw a second card and you win based on that second card, you get to shuffle both back into your deck. If you lose based on the second card, both of your cards are removed from play.

Winning the Game

You win when you have exhausted your opponent’s deck.

3 Replies to “Pirates vs. Gods Rules (with Aaron)”

  1. What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played? Once I figured out the mechanics it just felt like a different take on the War card game, which is a fun game but can sometimes be boring.
    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played? I absolutely love the idea of a pirate fighting a god, but I felt like the game play didn’t have much to do with the title.
    Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
    I wanted more player/player interaction or even interaction with combining elements to make something new or more powerful.
    If you had a magic want to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from that experience, what would it be?
    I’d just be interested in some further development because I like the idea
    Is this a game you would play again? Not at the stage it’s in now, but with further development I would.

  2. What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
    Not knowing what beats what, I ended up writing a key on my playtest sheet to understand, because when looking at the instructions, it was hard to both read and keep up with the pace of the game.

    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    I liked the 1v1 aspect of it, and the competition. It reminded me a little bit of war which is a game I used to enjoy playing as a kid.

    Was there anything you wanted to do but couldn’t?
    I wanted to get into more situations where we had to play more than one card against each other, I think that it only really happened maybe once or twice. And I feel like having it occur more would keep the game from seeming to repetitive/boring/slow at times.

    If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
    I’d get rid of the large variety of number values – I understand their purpose but they complicate things a little too much and mess with the pacing, I think narrowing it down to just two number values or maybe a + or – symbol for higher and lower value cards would help to keep it easier to just see and know and keep the game moving. – This also might help to increase the amount of times players are fighting with more than one card.
    I’d also play with the color choices/graphics to make a simpler key of what elements beat once – Maybe use elemental symbols or color in the instructions just so players can read it faster/easier

    How has the experience changed since the first play test?

    Is this a game you would play again? Why?
    Yes! I enjoyed it’s resemblance to war, and had fun playing it.

  3. 1. Most frustrating? – Trying to remember what beats what and when to go solely off point value
    – significance of pirates and gods?
    2. Favorite moment? – it was simple, reminded me of Avatar (Airbender) when I was a kid with all the elements
    3. Couldn’t do? – not necessarily
    4. Magic wand? – add graphic for what beats what to rules
    5. n/a
    6. Play again? – yes, it was fun and like I said it reminded me of Avatar

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