Earn It
Goal: To go through all the cards in the deck – Player with the most points at the end wins
Regular deck of 52 cards
Ace | Clap x1 |
2 | Clap behind your back x2 |
3 | Jumping Jacks x3 |
4 | Say earn it x4 |
5 | Snaps x5 |
6 | jump x6 |
7 | Say the word seven x7 |
8 | Hop on one foot x8 |
9 | Touch your elbow x9 |
10 | Slap the table |
Jack (11) | Say your name backwards |
Queen (12) | Rock, Paper, Scissors |
King (13) | Thumb War |
*If neither player wants to complete the action associated with the card drawn, they can discard it to the bottom of the pile*
Shuffle the deck, then place it between the two players
Once the deck is shuffled the two players then each take turns pulling the top card off the deck and placing it face up on the table in front of them.
The youngest player starts.
Each card has a certain action attached to it that must be completed once the card is placed face up, the first player to complete the action gets the card.
Players play until the deck runs out
Points are the same in value has the number on the card
Playtest for: Earn it
Playtester: Clay
What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
We didn’t particularly want to complete all of the objectives listed. When the ones for hopping on one foot came up, we both chose to skip it. Maybe if that was switched with a lower value card like the one so that you had to clap 8 times and, and hop once.
What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
Playing rock/paper/scissors and saying your name backwards
Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
I think some of the objectives need to be reworked
If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
Maybe remove half of the cards so that each only comes up twice. Doing some of the actions was fatiguing. I think the gimmick of doing each action the number of times that it says on the card is a lot. For example, I think for drawing a 9, being the first player to touch their elbow once suffices. Doing it 9 times is slightly monotonous
How has the play experience changed since the first play test?
Is this a game you would play again? Why?
I would try an abbreviated version of this game to see if some changes have been made
Playtest for- Delany and Ethan
Most frustrating?
Had to reference the rules constantly and there was quite a bit of rule. Also, 52 cards are a lot to get through. Maybe cut it in half so you only have 2 cards of each card like 2 8’s instead of 4.
Favorite moment?
Playing rock, paper, scissors
Anything you wanted to do but couldn’t?
I feel that there were a lot of actions that I didn’t necessarily want to do.
Magic wand?
I would maybe change the age demographic. I could see this being a good game for young kids who want to hop on one foot or do jump and jacks but for young adults, maybe there are different rules for different ages. I also found it unnecessary to say words the number of times for their value. Like saying seven, seven times.
How has the play changed from the first time?
Would you play again?
Ya I would play again if the rules were changed a bit
1. not every one can play
2. can discard cards with actions that nether want to do
3. N/A
4. never says witch elbow
5. N/A
6. yes like to see where it goes later on
Playtest for: Earn It
Tester: River
Most frustrating: As a disabled person, I couldn’t do any of the physical tasks. We either modified them (just did the arm movements for the jumping jacks) or I gave Aaron those cards automatically. Had to consult the action sheet a lot which delayed the action. 52 cards was too many to go through.
Favorite moment: I beat Aaron all four times at thumb war hehe
Anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t: Jump. Hop.
Magic wand: I would halve the number of cards. Touch both elbows alternating or just touch the one elbow nine times?
How has play changed: N/A 1st test
Would you play again: No. Even though we adapted some of the physical cards like jumping jacks, it was still frustratingly obvious that I was disabled and could not perform some of the actions.
Most Frustrating Moment of Play:
I feel as though this game has the potential to become very tiresome and repetitive with an entire 52 card deck. Additionally, it’s a game that allows either player to ignore the action on the card if they don’t feel like performing that action. This can lead to games where both players are fighting over the cards they feel it is worth the effort to acquire. It may end up shortening the game significantly depending on what players are willing to do.
Best aspects:
The idea of a game based around completing physical tasks is always an interesting one, especially if a judge is involved to determine when a task is actually complete. This is a very interesting idea for a game, and I think it could be fun if it was refined a bit.
Add/Change anything?
I’d probably shorten the deck, but you can also change the actions. Imagine this game had a deck of its own cards and materials, and the actions were things like, “draw a smiley face,” or, “stand on one foot longer than the other players.” The competitive aspect of this game can really be leaned into.
Play again?
I’d definitely consider playing this game again, provided it was refined. I like the concept, just think the execution could use some work.