Game Mechanics

Natives and Colonizers

Game Overview Players split into two opposing cultures: Natives (defenders of the land) and Colonizers (conquerors and exploiters of the land). The game board consists of two-sided modular tiles representing different types of land.

To start, the land is all native land, which consists of forests, rivers, mountains, plains, and sacred sites. However, if a colonizer plays a “Deforestation” card, the forest tile they are standing on gets converted to barren land, making the piece easier to capture and industrialise. 

The map can be rearranged each game for variability, making each playthrough unique.

Each side has unique goals:

  • Natives: Protect the land, Expand your tribe, and reclaim your land.
  • Colonizers: Exploit the land, eliminate native resistance, and build cities/factories.

Board Setup

  • Players randomly arrange land tiles to create a unique map.
  • Some tiles are special landmarks (sacred sites) that influence gameplay by being harder for the colonizers to take over (must roll double the tile’s amount in order to complete the action of “deforestation” on a sacred site.
  • Colonizers start at the board’s edge and expand inward, while natives start scattered across the map.

Game Play

  • Players: 2–6 (split into two teams: Natives vs. Colonizers)
  • Map: Hex-based board representing a landscape of forests, rivers, and open land. As well as potential extra barren lands after deforestation which make it easier to claim and take over due to barren land’s number being only 2
    • Grassland (15): Takes a roll of 4 to control
    • Forest (15): Takes a roll of 6 to control
    • Mountain (4): Takes a roll of 10 or higher to control.
      • Mountains cannot be converted into settlements
    • Water (6): Costs one additional move to cross and cannot be controlled or converted
    • Barren land: Created by deforestation of grasslands or forests and takes a roll of 2 to control 
  • In order for either side to claim their land, through either deforestation (colonizers), or maintaining balance (Natives), one must place their action card and roll the same or higher than the amount on the Hex in order to claim that said land. (ex: if a colonizer wishes to convert a grass field, they must roll a 4 or higher when they place their action card) 
  • Objective: Gain control of the map by converting tiles into Settlements, and progressing towards Cities (Colonizers) or reclaiming them as Wilderness (Natives) all the while gaining tribe members until one becomes a Nation.
  • Set-Up: Each player receives 21 landscape tiles randomly selected and take turns building the map. The players will also place their initial settlements during this phase. 
  • Each player rolls 2 D6s on their turn to determine movement across the modular board.
  • Movement rules:
    • Roll a D6 to move freely upon any Hex that is touching.
    • Colonizers: Move efficiently on industrial land. but are -2 movement points in forests, rivers, and cannot cross mountains ever.
    • Natives: Move freely through natural terrain but have -2 movement points on colonized terrain due to stealth restrictions.
    • Crossing water reduces movement by 1

Card Deck System:

A. Event Deck (Global Effects) If any player rolls a 13 in any scenario, draw an event card affecting all players. Examples:

  • “The Great Storm” – Movement is halved this turn.
  • “Disease Breakout” – Natives lose some of their people (which means Natives cannot roll next round).
  • “Spirit Awakening” – Natives gain bonus strength this turn. (plus 4 on their next roll)

B. Native Action Deck Natives draw from a deck with unique abilities reflecting their connection to the land. Examples:

  • “Forest Ambush” – Cancel a colonizer’s move and deal damage.
  • “Spirit of the River” – Move units across water tiles without penalty.

C. Colonizer Action Deck Colonizers draw from a separate deck with industrial, military, and expansion abilities. Examples:

  • “Rapid Expansion” – Place an extra settlement this turn.
  • “Deforestation” – Remove a forest tile.
  • “Militia Reinforcement” – Strengthen military presence on the board.

Game Pieces


  1. Natives
  • Scout
    • Main piece of the natives, roll die to determine movement across board
  • Warrior
    • Can hold owned tiles, granting them plus 2 in order to capture
  • Shaman
    • Can be placed at a religious site or a tribe to add plus 4 to tile
  1. Colonizers
  • Explorer
    • Similar to scout, this piece moves across the board to capture tiles
  • Militia
    • Soldier piece that can hold tiles, granting plus to in order to capture
  • Governor
    • Can be placed at Settlements in order to provide additional support, add plus 4 to the tile. 

Strategy & Balance

  • Players can hold onto cards and play them at strategic moments.
  • Some cards have conditional requirements (e.g., must control a certain number of tiles before using).
  • Deck-building mechanics could be introduced, allowing players to customize their playstyle.

Win Conditions

  • Natives Win If they maintain enough sacred sites, restore destroyed land, and or create 2 Nations.
  • Colonizers Win If they industrialize 14 numbers of tiles, giving them a City

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