5 Game Ideas To Change Peoples Minds.

  1. Recycle City – This game will include a main character whos goal is to recycle as much as possible because it helps them finantially in the game. it is almost a source of curancy. I chose this michanic because i want the people who play this game to realize that recycling can help not only the earth but your pockets too.
  2. Ballet Barrage – In this game my goal is to get people to vote. To do this i will highlight the concequences of not voting ( obviously over exaggerate them ) and show them the power one vote can have on an outcome.
  3. Soul Food – This game will persuade people to eat better by giving them speed boosts when they chose a vegitable over a brownie while moving through the map. (subway surfers type of game)
  4. Electric Bill – In this game the main character “Bill” has to keep his houses energy bill down or he loses. you have to run around the house turing lights off that your antagonist son keeps leaving on. it gets harder and faster as time goes on.
  5. Smart Spending – In this game you will simulate someone going through life making smart finantial decistions and good choices lead to long term wealth and bad decitions lead to bankruptcy.

2 Replies to “5 Game Ideas To Change Peoples Minds.”

  1. The stand out for me are recycle city as I’d like to see how financial benefits and climate benefits can be tied together.

  2. I’m also interested in Recycle City. You could include sorting of different recyclable materials, and potentially the process of it being sent to a recycling facility so that people better understand what happens to those materials after they collect it. Errors in the recycling process can sometimes ruin batches of recycled material so you have to pay attention to specific rules. Just a thought..

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